StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Results for Sept. 5, 2022

ESL Open Cup Europe #139 Ro128 hide (46)
1652 Rob US P 0–2 Z KR threepoint 1588 LotV online
1282 Ziomek PL P 2–0 P IT Duskrain 982 LotV online
548 Vavin PL P 0–2 P DE HolyHit 1596 LotV online
862 Xech DE Z 0–2 T DE SharKRippeR 1249 LotV online
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1541 Nikich BY Z 2–0 Z DK Anticore 1034 LotV online
Tolo PL Z 0–2 T UK Raza 1984 LotV online
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909 JCIPower BG T 2–0 P US Dro 837 LotV online
868 linoviajes DE T 2–1 P HR Blank 924 LotV online
1199 MasterVasya RU T 1–2 T BY SaLemandr 994 LotV online
1491 Ashbringer RU P 2–0 P NL Job 932 LotV online
1196 Luolis FI T 0–2 P FR arrogfire 1960 LotV online
480 AZTEX HU P 2–0 R RU sasha2019 LotV online
679 Gaettwo FR T 0–2 Z DE Mechanics 1034 LotV online
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960 Gref UA P 0–2 T RU Silwercrow 863 LotV online
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200 imius RU Z 0–2 P RU MindelVK 1616 LotV online
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969 SooThSayeR FR Z 0–2 Z FR Syrril 818 LotV online
1986 Jieshi CN P 2–0 R RU milfhunter 996 LotV online
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973 Jesu UK T 2–0 T BE yaze 972 LotV online
883 SlayersMvP CU T 2–0 T CA Poryphorion 723 LotV online
1117 Dobro UA P 2–1 P US Cognite 803 LotV online
mason US Z 0–2 T UA Kas 2155 LotV online
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1110 James KR T 0–2 P FR Rom 1623 LotV online
1619 Exostriker RU P 2–0 P IL Darth 639 LotV online
598 Pive FI Z 0–2 P RU NaJi 1098 LotV online
1238 NoMercy DE T 2–0 T AE CeazaR 962 LotV online
858 Xung DE T 2–0 P US coconutgamezz 579 LotV online
1119 Bush LT P 2–0 Z ZA Manakin 953 LotV online
1518 CuKu RO T 2–0 Z DE Dronehard 1111 LotV online
338 Davelitoss SE Z 0–2 Z PL Trifax 1477 LotV online
896 Pyte DE P 2–0 P UA PhysSci 945 LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #139 Ro64 hide (32)
3276 Clem FR T 2–0 Z KR threepoint 1696 LotV online
1282 Ziomek PL P 2–1 P DE HolyHit 1596 LotV online
2054 AqueroN ES T 2–0 T DE SharKRippeR 1269 LotV online
2336 MaNa PL P 2–0 Z RU Strannik 1214 LotV online
1594 Nikich BY Z 2–0 T UK Raza 1984 LotV online
2051 DIMAGA UA Z 2–0 T BG JCIPower 1005 LotV online
868 linoviajes DE T 0–2 P PL Gerald 2289 LotV online
2583 uThermal NL T 2–0 T BY SaLemandr 994 LotV online
1491 Ashbringer RU P 0–2 P FR arrogfire 2141 LotV online
493 AZTEX HU P 0–2 Z DE Mechanics 933 LotV online
1185 Deca FR P 1–2 P CA DisK 2197 LotV online
2207 BattleB DE T 2–0 P UA aelliot 1417 LotV online
711 Silwercrow RU T 0–2 Z PL Aristori 1595 LotV online
1705 Brat_OK RU T 1–2 P RU MindelVK 1762 LotV online
957 Napolcochon FR Z 0–2 P DK MaxPax 3070 LotV online
2666 Harstem NL P 2–0 T RU Kinpach 998 LotV online
1120 Fjant SE Z 2–0 Z FR Syrril 818 LotV online
2083 Jieshi CN P 2–0 P CA LEGENDARY 981 LotV online
973 Jesu UK T 0–2 T CN Coffee 2099 LotV online
2020 MilkiCow RU T 2–0 T CU SlayersMvP 883 LotV online
1060 Dobro UA P 0–2 T UA Kas 1943 LotV online
1770 Hopt SK T 1–2 P UK Pudgey 908 LotV online
776 Michnek UA P 0–2 P FR ShaDoWn 2268 LotV online
2832 SKillous RU P 2–0 Z RU MIXRISH 948 LotV online
657 Kuschelbunny DE P 0–2 P FR Rom 1556 LotV online
1619 Exostriker RU P 2–0 P RU NaJi 963 LotV online
1266 NoMercy DE T 0–2 P CA trigger 2401 LotV online
1646 Botvinnik ES T 2–0 T DE Xung 862 LotV online
1025 Bush LT P 0–2 T IT BabyMarine 1656 LotV online
1518 CuKu RO T 2–1 Z PL Trifax 1763 LotV online
905 Pyte DE P 0–2 T DE HeRoMaRinE 3159 LotV online
1332 Iba UK Z 0–2 P HR goblin 2443 LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #139 Ro32 hide (16)
3147 Clem FR T 2–0 P PL Ziomek 1421 LotV online
2127 AqueroN ES T 0–2 P HR goblin 2266 LotV online
2336 MaNa PL P 2–0 Z BY Nikich 1510 LotV online
1842 DIMAGA UA Z 0–2 P PL Gerald 2600 LotV online
2535 uThermal NL T 1–2 P FR arrogfire 1960 LotV online
933 Mechanics DE Z 0–2 P CA DisK 2276 LotV online
2205 BattleB DE T 2–0 Z PL Aristori 1595 LotV online
1813 MindelVK RU P 0–2 P DK MaxPax 3134 LotV online
2554 Harstem NL P 2–0 Z SE Fjant 1219 LotV online
1913 Jieshi CN P 2–0 T CN Coffee 2141 LotV online
2020 MilkiCow RU T 1–2 T UA Kas 2138 LotV online
923 Pudgey UK P 0–2 P FR ShaDoWn 2268 LotV online
2671 SKillous RU P 2–0 P FR Rom 1556 LotV online
1619 Exostriker RU P 0–2 P CA trigger 2440 LotV online
1646 Botvinnik ES T 2–1 T IT BabyMarine 1670 LotV online
1610 CuKu RO T 2–1 T DE HeRoMaRinE 2871 LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #139 Ro16 hide (8)
3147 Clem FR T 2–0 P HR goblin 2266 LotV online
2431 MaNa PL P 2–1 P PL Gerald 2395 LotV online
2141 arrogfire FR P 1–2 P CA DisK 2197 LotV online
2207 BattleB DE T 0–2 P DK MaxPax 2918 LotV online
2501 Harstem NL P 2–0 P CN Jieshi 2083 LotV online
1943 Kas UA T 2–0 P FR ShaDoWn 2158 LotV online
2671 SKillous RU P 2–0 P CA trigger 2440 LotV online
1646 Botvinnik ES T 2–0 T RO CuKu 1610 LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #139 Ro8 hide (4)
3147 Clem FR T 2–0 P PL MaNa 2119 LotV online
2197 DisK CA P 0–2 P DK MaxPax 3134 LotV online
2666 Harstem NL P 2–0 T UA Kas 1943 LotV online
2703 SKillous RU P 1–2 T ES Botvinnik 1809 LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #139 Ro4 hide (2)
3147 Clem FR T 1–2 P DK MaxPax 2918 LotV online
2666 Harstem NL P 2–1 T ES Botvinnik 1809 LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #139 Final hide (1)
3134 MaxPax DK P 3–0 P NL Harstem 2501 LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #139 Ro64 hide (28)
945 Sepheron AU P 0–2 Z KR threepoint 1588 LotV online
1822 HonMonO KR T 2–0 Z US Ordin 815 LotV online
943 Terxel DE T 1–2 T US Kozan 1229 LotV online
1569 PiG AU Z 2–0 Z CA Stretch LotV online
fixy UK T 0–2 P US Hupsaiya 1208 LotV online
1803 TheZergLord BR Z 2–0 Z US VeteranGamer 922 LotV online
997 Ravendark CA P 0–2 P US Nina 2117 LotV online
1755 Dolan US T 2–0 Z US mason LotV online
1030 Damrud PL Z 2–0 P PE Agressif 748 LotV online
635 Dro US P 0–2 P EG Magnath 781 LotV online
919 itsmes UK P 2–1 Z FR Syrril 552 LotV online
1651 Mixu FI Z 2–0 Z CA Powoo 972 LotV online
854 geokilla CA T 0–2 P IT Azura 1129 LotV online
814 TheSwiss US P 0–2 T CU SlayersMvP 761 LotV online
1012 Bromaria UK P 0–2 T US lwlwllwl 949 LotV online
1048 Pudgey UK P 2–0 Z SE Davelitoss 244 LotV online
1298 Arium US P 1–2 P PL Ziomek 1282 LotV online
1669 Jason CA P 2–0 P US CzechPrime LotV online
903 Statis GR P 2–0 P US Holden 1306 LotV online
981 LEGENDARY CA P 2–0 P US Breed LotV online
Unstable US P 0–2 P MY Ranger 1470 LotV online
868 BabySwiss US Z 0–2 T MX WhiteIdra 817 LotV online
1385 FoxeR US T 2–0 P US HansXolo 942 LotV online
757 Bonkarooni US P 0–2 T RU Brat_OK 1705 LotV online
1477 Trifax PL Z 2–0 Z CA Frosty 809 LotV online
940 Viperino BR T 0–2 T US ProbeiusCorp 1086 LotV online
945 DubiousMD US P 0–2 Z IS dodi 828 LotV online
1552 Maplez CA P 2–0 T CA Zero 1418 LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #139 Ro32 hide (16)
2353 NightMare KR P 2–1 Z KR threepoint 1588 LotV online
1805 HonMonO KR T 2–0 T US Kozan 1229 LotV online
1570 PiG AU Z 2–1 P US Hupsaiya 1159 LotV online
1804 TheZergLord BR Z 0–2 P US Nina 2243 LotV online
1755 Dolan US T 2–0 Z PL Damrud 960 LotV online
781 Magnath EG P 2–0 P UK itsmes 921 LotV online
1547 Mixu FI Z 2–1 P IT Azura 1145 LotV online
761 SlayersMvP CU T 0–2 P CA DisK 2267 LotV online
2401 trigger CA P 2–0 T US lwlwllwl 949 LotV online
923 Pudgey UK P 1–2 P PL Ziomek 1282 LotV online
1669 Jason CA P 2–0 P GR Statis 903 LotV online
981 LEGENDARY CA P 0–2 P MY Ranger 1470 LotV online
1552 Maplez CA P 2–0 T MX WhiteIdra 971 LotV online
1390 FoxeR US T 0–2 T RU Brat_OK 2012 LotV online
1763 Trifax PL Z 2–0 T US ProbeiusCorp 1095 LotV online
828 dodi IS Z 0–2 P PL Gerald 2600 LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #139 Ro16 hide (8)
2493 NightMare KR P 2–0 T KR HonMonO 1945 LotV online
1570 PiG AU P 0–2 P US Nina 2117 LotV online
1834 Dolan US T 2–0 P EG Magnath 686 LotV online
1547 Mixu FI Z 1–2 P CA DisK 2276 LotV online
2440 trigger CA P 2–0 P PL Ziomek 1282 LotV online
1669 Jason CA P 2–1 P MY Ranger 1470 LotV online
1552 Maplez CA P 1–2 T RU Brat_OK 1705 LotV online
1801 Trifax PL Z 0–2 P PL Gerald 2600 LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #139 Ro8 hide (4)
2423 NightMare KR P 2–1 P US Nina 2117 LotV online
1834 Dolan US T 2–0 P CA DisK 2267 LotV online
2440 trigger CA P 2–0 P CA Jason 1669 LotV online
1705 Brat_OK RU T 2–0 P PL Gerald 2289 LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #139 Ro4 hide (2)
2493 NightMare KR P 2–0 T US Dolan 1834 LotV online
2401 trigger CA P 2–0 T RU Brat_OK 1705 LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #139 Final hide (1)
2423 NightMare KR P 1–3 P CA trigger 2440 LotV online
ZEG Allstar League #1 Ro16 hide (8)
2189 Cyan CN P 2–0 P CN JoliwaLoves 1190 LotV online
1826 Silky CN Z 1–2 T CN XY 1748 LotV online
2083 Jieshi CN P 2–1 P CN ReWhite 1614 LotV online
2250 Firefly CN P 2–0 Z CN QzDdb 1252 LotV online
2094 Coffee CN T 2–0 Z CN Punk 1333 LotV online
2039 Rex TW Z 2–0 Z CN Hyperion 1266 LotV online
1912 MacSed CN P 2–0 P CN SCV 1310 LotV online
2209 Nice TW P 2–1 T CN KingSlayeR 1372 LotV online

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