StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Results for May 2, 2022

ESL Open Cup Europe #121 Ro128 hide (41)
823 ReDy LV T 0–2 P UA NightPhoenix 1612 LotV online
1801 arrogfire FR P 2–0 T FR PyroGaulois LotV online
838 FireWaweCZ CZ P 0–2 Z PL Aristori 1623 LotV online
1700 Trifax PL Z 2–0 T DE Fienend 1023 LotV online
900 GgMaChine RU Z 1–2 T US FoxeR 1455 LotV online
1063 Fjant SE Z 2–1 P CN JoliwaLoves 1021 LotV online
Revelation PL T 0–2 P DE Spatz 2060 LotV online
953 gunner UA P 0–2 P RU MindelVK 1807 LotV online
1116 Dobro UA P 2–0 Z UK MarsBar 563 LotV online
1127 Rostok UA P 2–0 P UA Gref 1303 LotV online
859 PhleBuster FI Z 2–0 P DE luke 972 LotV online
964 Hanson DE P 0–2 P FR Rom 1505 LotV online
662 Pive FI Z 0–2 Z FI Mixu 1503 LotV online
1581 HolyHit DE P 2–0 Z AU Sunshine 1088 LotV online
771 Poryphorion CA T 0–2 Z FR Napolcochon 750 LotV online
1056 Blutmilan DE P 0–2 Z CN Punk 1513 LotV online
1650 ReWhite CN P 2–0 P DE Pyte 898 LotV online
1006 Jesu UK T 1–2 Z CN Hyperion 1446 LotV online
859 linoviajes DE T 2–0 R FR Gaettwo 657 LotV online
278 imius RU Z 0–2 P FR BaRaGooD 1050 LotV online
964 DominateGG PL Z 1–2 T RU Nicoract 1653 LotV online
1141 Deca FR P 2–1 P IT Azura 1049 LotV online
1234 Bumbz SE P 2–0 P HU JasonStatham 949 LotV online
820 Herold DE T 0–2 T BR YanXII 1223 LotV online
1797 FightingFrog SE P 2–0 R IL OROR LotV online
872 JUSTKILLER BG T 0–2 T RO CuKu 1473 LotV online
623 coconutgamezz US P 0–2 T RO Smarty 612 LotV online
870 Ady RO T 0–2 P FI VVCaptain 937 LotV online
1410 Ziomek PL P 2–0 P FR Hirich 884 LotV online
996 Oddjob US Z 0–2 Z RU YoungYakov 1897 LotV online
1971 Jumy DE P 2–0 P UK MJG 1003 LotV online
1158 Dronehard DE Z 0–2 T ES Botvinnik 1914 LotV online
1932 Bioice CA Z 2–0 Z DE ceph 1001 LotV online
833 NaJi RU P 0–2 T CN Lover 1127 LotV online
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855 BadBorz PL Z 2–0 Z US NovaAce 977 LotV online
951 Sareth PL Z 0–2 P PL Indy 1949 LotV online
969 PaRoOby DE Z 2–0 P NO YourBroChris 953 LotV online
1462 Bistork HK P 2–0 P HR Blank LotV online
1663 BabyMarine IT T 2–0 Z DK Hope 833 LotV online
1054 Bush LT P 2–0 P NL BattleMage 860 LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #121 Ro64 hide (30)
3115 HeRoMaRinE DE T 2–0 P UA NightPhoenix 1612 LotV online
1904 arrogfire FR P 2–0 Z FR Syrril 704 LotV online
2008 Coffee CN T 2–1 Z PL Aristori 1552 LotV online
1745 Trifax PL Z 0–2 P FR ShaDoWn 2261 LotV online
2428 Wayne RU Z 2–0 T US FoxeR 1455 LotV online
1063 Fjant SE Z 0–2 P DE Spatz 2054 LotV online
1462 Bistork HK P 0–2 P RU MindelVK 1807 LotV online
1049 Dobro UA P 0–2 P DK MaxPax 3058 LotV online
2563 uThermal NL T 2–0 P UA Rostok 1101 LotV online
859 PhleBuster FI Z 2–1 P FR Rom 1665 LotV online
2168 BattleB DE T 2–0 Z FI Mixu 1730 LotV online
1539 HolyHit DE P 0–2 P PL MaNa 2442 LotV online
2536 Harstem NL P 2–0 Z FR Napolcochon 998 LotV online
1352 Punk CN Z 0–2 T UA Kas 2190 LotV online
1766 ReWhite CN P 0–2 Z CN Hyperion 1311 LotV online
840 linoviajes DE T 0–2 T PL Spirit 2338 LotV online
1618 BabyMarine IT T 0–2 T RU Nicoract 1748 LotV online
1998 Puzzle KR P 2–0 P FR Deca 1141 LotV online
2432 Gerald PL P 2–0 T BR YanXII 1107 LotV online
1054 Bush LT P 2–0 P FR Popops LotV online
1787 FightingFrog SE P 2–0 T RO CuKu 1569 LotV online
599 Smarty RO T 0–2 T BR Kelazhur 2205 LotV online
2905 Elazer PL Z 2–0 P FI VVCaptain 891 LotV online
1586 Ziomek PL P 0–2 Z RU YoungYakov 2019 LotV online
1882 Jumy DE P 0–2 T ES Botvinnik 1849 LotV online
1815 Bioice CA Z 0–2 P DE GunGFuBanDa 2518 LotV online
1193 SharKRippeR DE T 0–2 P RU Strange 2333 LotV online
796 BadBorz PL Z 0–2 P PL Indy 1949 LotV online
969 PaRoOby DE Z 0–2 P DE ShoWTimE 3008 LotV online
1234 Bumbz SE P 0–2 P HR goblin 2182 LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #121 Ro32 hide (16)
3115 HeRoMaRinE DE T 2–0 P FR arrogfire 1801 LotV online
1992 Coffee CN T 2–0 P FR ShaDoWn 2178 LotV online
2564 Wayne RU Z 2–1 P DE Spatz 2054 LotV online
1807 MindelVK RU P 0–2 P DK MaxPax 3058 LotV online
2705 uThermal NL T 2–0 Z FI PhleBuster 879 LotV online
2194 BattleB DE T 0–2 P PL MaNa 2236 LotV online
2643 Harstem NL P 2–0 T UA Kas 2027 LotV online
1446 Hyperion CN Z 0–2 T PL Spirit 2782 LotV online
945 BaRaGooD FR P 0–2 T RU Nicoract 1893 LotV online
1998 Puzzle KR P 2–0 P HR goblin 2182 LotV online
2388 Gerald PL P 2–0 P LT Bush 1054 LotV online
1787 FightingFrog SE P 2–0 T BR Kelazhur 2356 LotV online
2755 Elazer PL Z 2–0 Z RU YoungYakov 1897 LotV online
1849 Botvinnik ES T 0–2 P DE GunGFuBanDa 2464 LotV online
1127 Lover CN T 0–2 P RU Strange 2333 LotV online
1710 Indy PL P 0–2 P DE ShoWTimE 2840 LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #121 Ro16 hide (8)
2925 HeRoMaRinE DE T 2–1 T CN Coffee 2063 LotV online
2564 Wayne RU Z 0–2 P DK MaxPax 3114 LotV online
2563 uThermal NL T 2–0 P PL MaNa 2236 LotV online
2643 Harstem NL P 0–2 T PL Spirit 2554 LotV online
1893 Nicoract RU T 2–1 P KR Puzzle 1984 LotV online
2388 Gerald PL P 2–0 P SE FightingFrog 1681 LotV online
2905 Elazer PL Z 2–0 P DE GunGFuBanDa 2518 LotV online
2440 Strange RU P 1–2 P DE ShoWTimE 2840 LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #121 Ro8 hide (4)
3115 HeRoMaRinE DE T 0–2 P DK MaxPax 2858 LotV online
2549 uThermal NL T 2–1 T PL Spirit 2338 LotV online
1893 Nicoract RU T 0–2 P PL Gerald 2432 LotV online
2905 Elazer PL Z 0–2 P DE ShoWTimE 3008 LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #121 Ro4 hide (2)
2858 MaxPax DK P 2–0 T NL uThermal 2563 LotV online
2388 Gerald PL P 1–2 P DE ShoWTimE 2840 LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #121 Final hide (1)
3058 MaxPax DK P 3–0 P DE ShoWTimE 2840 LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #121 Ro128 hide (12)
967 Viperino BR T 0–2 Z US Lico 1006 LotV online
986 Maddox KR P 2–1 T DE Herold 830 LotV online
441 MrMuscles SE T 0–2 T US Ward 783 LotV online
995 Gen US T 0–2 P RU NaJi 833 LotV online
975 Tunechi US T 2–0 Z US Astaria LotV online
1260 Fuego PE T 2–1 T US Skyler 1294 LotV online
538 ArriS PE T 0–2 T US DisReSpeCT 1140 LotV online
herOmarryme LU P 1–2 P US megatron 984 LotV online
1011 Harimang US Z 1–2 T US ProbeiusCorp LotV online
1018 RuFF US T 2–0 T TW KnockKnock 790 LotV online
1013 Bogus CA Z 2–0 P MX deki 899 LotV online
739 Grandjyn BR Z 0–2 T CN marauder LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #121 Ro64 hide (31)
2972 Dark KR Z 2–0 Z US Lico 1056 LotV online
689 NeosHagGy PE Z 0–2 P US Hupsaiya 1083 LotV online
1819 Golden KR Z 2–1 T DE Soon 1355 LotV online
940 NOOBER SE Z 0–2 P MY Ranger 1614 LotV online
2077 Nina US P 2–0 P KR Maddox 1001 LotV online
855 Huach BO P 0–2 P PE Agressif 710 LotV online
1210 Holden US P 0–2 T CN Oriana 1076 LotV online
882 Ward US T 0–2 P PL Gerald 2432 LotV online
2734 SpeCial MX T 2–0 P RU NaJi 833 LotV online
1980 TRUE KR Z 2–0 T MX WhiteIdra 712 LotV online
796 BadBorz PL Z 0–2 P CA eXiled 781 LotV online
949 Tunechi US T 0–2 T KR GuMiho 2689 LotV online
1784 JimRising MX Z 1–2 Z CA Flood 1370 LotV online
929 UncLeToBy US P 0–2 Z AU PiG 1495 LotV online
1469 NaXin TW T 2–0 T US iloveoof 954 LotV online
1260 Fuego PE T 0–2 T KR ByuN 2977 LotV online
3077 Cure KR T 2–0 T US DisReSpeCT 1140 LotV online
1932 Bioice CA Z 1–2 Z FI Mixu 1503 LotV online
1893 Nicoract RU T 2–0 P US MachoTaco 918 LotV online
960 Maltheredin SE P 0–2 P KR ReBellioN 1597 LotV online
2308 trigger CA P 2–0 P US megatron 984 LotV online
853 TheSwiss US P 0–2 Z FR Syrril 704 LotV online
935 CHAO CN T 0–2 T US Eurystheus 1111 LotV online
2858 MaxPax DK P 2–0 T US RuFF 1218 LotV online
471 BetaSiege US R 0–2 Z US Reaper 1546 LotV online
626 Dro US P 1–2 P DE PaRoOby 969 LotV online
1013 Bogus CA Z 0–2 P FR ShaDoWn 2261 LotV online
1737 Brat_OK RU T 2–0 P US happystick 938 LotV online
941 Barkas DE P 0–2 P CA Maplez 1712 LotV online
1077 Bumbz SE P 2–0 T BR YanXII 1107 LotV online
marauder CN T 0–2 Z KR Solar 3173 LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #121 Ro32 hide (13)
3187 Dark KR Z 2–0 P US Hupsaiya 1083 LotV online
1626 Golden KR Z 2–0 P MY Ranger 1614 LotV online
2077 Nina US P 2–0 P PE Agressif 710 LotV online
1076 Oriana CN T 0–2 P PL Gerald 2432 LotV online
2621 SpeCial MX T 2–0 Z KR TRUE 1980 LotV online
864 eXiled CA P 0–2 T KR GuMiho 2728 LotV online
1370 Flood CA Z 2–1 Z AU PiG 1547 LotV online
3113 Cure KR T 2–0 Z FI Mixu 1730 LotV online
1893 Nicoract RU T 2–0 P KR ReBellioN 1582 LotV online
2454 trigger CA P 2–0 Z FR Syrril 704 LotV online
1111 Eurystheus US T 2–1 T US ProbeiusCorp LotV online
3114 MaxPax DK P 2–1 Z US Reaper 1684 LotV online
969 PaRoOby DE P 0–2 P FR ShaDoWn 2206 LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #121 Ro16 hide (8)
2972 Dark KR Z 2–0 Z KR Golden 1739 LotV online
2077 Nina US P 1–2 P PL Gerald 2388 LotV online
2518 SpeCial MX T 0–2 T KR GuMiho 2689 LotV online
1286 Flood CA Z 0–2 T KR ByuN 2932 LotV online
3077 Cure KR T 2–0 T RU Nicoract 1748 LotV online
2265 trigger CA P 2–0 T US Eurystheus 1165 LotV online
3058 MaxPax DK P 2–0 P FR ShaDoWn 2206 LotV online
1790 Brat_OK RU T 0–2 Z KR Solar 3173 LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #121 Ro8 hide (4)
3187 Dark KR Z 2–1 P PL Gerald 2634 LotV online
2689 GuMiho KR T 1–2 T KR ByuN 2977 LotV online
3114 MaxPax DK P 2–0 Z KR Solar 2853 LotV online
3090 Cure KR T 2–0 P CA trigger 2265 LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #121 Ro4 hide (2)
3450 Dark KR Z 0–2 T KR ByuN 2932 LotV online
3090 Cure KR T 2–0 P DK MaxPax 2858 LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #121 Final hide (1)
2977 ByuN KR T 2–3 T KR Cure 3077 LotV online
Russian Esports Federation Championship of Russia 2022 Playoffs Ro32 hide (16)
1014 YoungStar RU P 3–0 T RU KillerQueen 897 LotV online
1302 Matvey RU T 3–1 P RU Ashbringer 1629 LotV online
1915 YoungYakov RU Z 3–0 T RU MasterVasya 1239 LotV online
1569 Creed RU T 3–0 Z RU SmokeSheeP LotV online
1622 MindelVK RU P 3–0 Z RU Rime 746 LotV online
1629 Couguar RU P 3–1 T RU megadimon 987 LotV online
2073 Brat_OK RU T 3–0 T RU ShinyRay LotV online
1295 AllHailLulu RU Z 3–1 P RU TGR LotV online
1549 Exostriker RU P 3–0 P RU Executor 925 LotV online
1356 RinKokonoe RU Z 3–0 T RU prostyme LotV online
1072 DeusVult RU P 3–0 P RU MacroLee LotV online
1748 Nicoract RU T 3–0 T RU KarmaPrime LotV online
2123 KingCobra RU P 3–0 Z RU MrLEz 910 LotV online
870 James RU Z 0–3 Z RU Bee 2109 LotV online
2285 MilkiCow RU T 3–1 P RU Beowulf 1117 LotV online
1109 Tiger RU P 1–3 T RU Leon 1024 LotV online
Russian Esports Federation Championship of Russia 2022 Playoffs Ro16 hide (8)
1014 YoungStar RU P 3–2 T RU Matvey 1302 LotV online
1915 YoungYakov RU Z 2–3 T RU Creed 1569 LotV online
1807 MindelVK RU P 3–2 P RU Couguar 1745 LotV online
1790 Brat_OK RU T 3–0 Z RU AllHailLulu 1198 LotV online
1673 Exostriker RU P 3–0 Z RU RinKokonoe 1239 LotV online
1077 DeusVult RU P 3–2 T RU Nicoract 1893 LotV online
2123 KingCobra RU P 2–3 Z RU Bee 1987 LotV online
2165 MilkiCow RU T 3–1 T RU Leon 1027 LotV online
Russian Esports Federation Championship of Russia 2022 Playoffs Ro8 hide (4)
1014 YoungStar RU P 3–1 T RU Creed 1629 LotV online
1733 MindelVK RU P 3–2 T RU Brat_OK 1737 LotV online
1549 Exostriker RU P 3–0 P RU DeusVult 1072 LotV online
2125 Bee RU Z 1–3 T RU MilkiCow 2342 LotV online
SC2Online OSC King of the Hill Weekly #95 hide (13)
1503 Mixu FI Z 1–0 Z PL Trifax 1362 LotV online
1736 HonMonO KR T 0–1 Z FI Mixu 1730 LotV online
1464 Bistork HK P 0–1 Z FI Mixu 1447 LotV online
1666 Demi IN Z 0–1 Z FI Mixu 1503 LotV online
1560 CuKu RO T 0–1 Z FI Mixu 1730 LotV online
2261 ArT PL P 0–1 Z FI Mixu 1447 LotV online
2021 Jumy DE P 1–0 Z FI Mixu 1447 LotV online
2072 arrogfire FR P 0–1 P DE Jumy 1971 LotV online
2333 Krystianer PL P 1–0 P DE Jumy 1971 LotV online
2312 Cham MX Z 0–1 P PL Krystianer 2427 LotV online
1971 Jumy DE P 1–0 P PL Krystianer 2333 LotV online
2312 Cham MX Z 0–1 P DE Jumy 2021 LotV online
1667 Demi IN Z 1–0 P DE Jumy 2021 LotV online
SCBoy World Team League 2022 Summer Regular Season Round 1 KaiZi Gaming vs Team Liquid hide (3)
2588 Oliveira CN T 2–0 T BR Kelazhur 2205 LotV online
2338 Spirit PL T 0–2 T FR Clem 2888 LotV online
3235 Reynor IT Z 2–0 P PL MaNa 2508 LotV online
SCBoy World Team League 2022 Summer Regular Season Round 1 瘦死骆驼 (SSLT) vs Good Game Gaming hide (3)
2205 Firefly CN P 0–2 Z RU Wayne 2564 LotV online
1775 Silky CN Z 1–1 P TW Nice 2379 LotV online
1785 Jieshi CN P 0–2 T KR Dream 2696 LotV online

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