StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Results for Jan. 24, 2012

eGG-one Starleague Winter 2012 Ro8 hide (4)
1386 SarenS FR T 3–0 Z BE ELVIS 1187 WoL online
1712 Stephano FR Z 3–2 Z FR KenZy 1091 WoL online
ESL UK Open 8 Ro8 hide (3)
1016 Shibbxyz UK Z 2–1 T UK WeFly WoL online
1151 DreAm CN P 2–0 P UK Dez 919 WoL online
Chelch UK P 0–2 P UK Pughy 943 WoL online
ESL UK Open 8 Ro4 hide (2)
1198 DreAm CN P 2–0 Z UK Shibbxyz 990 WoL online
721 Deranging UK Z 2–1 P UK Pughy 943 WoL online
ESL UK Open 8 Final hide (1)
1198 DreAm CN P 1–3 Z UK Deranging 721 WoL online
Incr. Panic Team League Season 3 Week 3 incredible Panic vs. Empire hide (5)
1031 Unix RU T 1–0 Z RU Aristeo 1054 WoL online
1025 Unix RU T 0–1 T RS Beastyqt 1476 WoL online
855 InHeartBeat UA P 0–1 T RS Beastyqt 1424 WoL online
922 Outside UA T 0–1 T RS Beastyqt 1476 WoL online
931 RZP RU Z 0–1 T RS Beastyqt 1469 WoL online
Incr. Panic Team League Season 3 Week 3 eSuba vs. FXO.EU hide (5)
876 Rikytan CZ T 0–1 Z UA HappyZerG 1052 WoL online
1271 PredY CZ T 0–1 Z UA HappyZerG 1052 WoL online
997 DeViL CZ Z 0–1 Z UA HappyZerG 920 WoL online
987 Lopata CZ Z 1–0 Z UA HappyZerG 920 WoL online
966 Lopata CZ Z 0–1 T RU Brat_OK 1422 WoL online
IPL TAC 2 WB Round 1 Team SCV Life vs Team ReIGN hide (8)
1252 Revival KR Z 1–0 P CA KiWiKaKi 1141 WoL online
1316 Revival KR Z 0–1 T KR Artist 1838 WoL online
1131 SHIN KR Z 1–0 T KR Artist 1838 WoL online
1195 SHIN KR Z 1–0 P KR inori 1072 WoL online
1150 SHIN KR Z 1–0 Z US giX 1150 WoL online
1150 SHIN KR Z 0–1 Z CA SLusH 1018 WoL online
1181 ValuE KR P 0–1 Z CA SLusH 1107 WoL online
1302 Symbol KR Z 1–0 Z CA SLusH 1018 WoL online
MSI Pro Cup #6 Ro8 hide (4)
1493 DIMAGA UA Z 2–1 P UA White-Ra 1592 WoL online
1667 Polt KR T 2–1 P KR Oz 1408 WoL online
MSI Pro Cup #6 Ro16 hide (6)
1422 Sheth US Z 0–2 P UA White-Ra 1592 WoL online
1627 DIMAGA UA Z 2–0 T RS Beastyqt 1469 WoL online
1458 Oz KR P 2–1 P KR TAiLS 1284 WoL online
SEACL Season 2 Week 2 hide (24)
1079 Revenant SG Z 0–2 P SG nirvAnA 972 WoL online
917 Roz HK P 0–2 T SG MrFool WoL online
1251 TargA NO Z 2–1 T AU HuT 990 WoL online
1064 iceiceice SG Z 2–1 T AU YoonYJ 1228 WoL online
951 Rorschach AU P 0–2 Z AU Myuu 1042 WoL online
Westley MY Z 2–1 P AU Bielsko 1180 WoL online
1027 Maltiso SG Z 1–2 Z NZ JazBas 1172 WoL online
860 Strafe TH T 1–2 Z AU Poker 924 WoL online
958 HaDeZ TH P 2–1 T MY Soonghee 945 WoL online
1210 Fah TH T 2–1 P MY SungIn 961 WoL online
1083 Jump TH P 2–0 T AU Sooie WoL online
1237 RedArchon TH T 1–2 P KR Balloon 1123 WoL online
897 riiChard AU T 1–2 P AU Pork 935 WoL online
1050 Rossi AU T 1–2 T CN XinYi WoL online
1187 tgun AU Z 2–1 P AU Azz 1027 WoL online
960 Timber MY T 1–2 P PH Pobbes 967 WoL online
Risen MY P 2–1 P PH Waning 983 WoL online
1027 Shuffle AU Z 1–2 T PH JaBiTo 795 WoL online
1580 mOOnGLaDe AU Z 0–2 Z PH EnDerr 1121 WoL online
978 MicroN SG T 1–2 P AU Light 1018 WoL online
1002 SenSei AU P 1–2 T CN Hotlips WoL online
Jokes SG T 0–2 Z AU PiG 1427 WoL online
976 indy TH P 0–2 Z AU iSt WoL online
966 Voices AU T 1–2 Z CN Jerry 845 WoL online
XILENCE and Plantronics Cup #29 Ro8 hide (3)
1074 fraer RU P 2–0 T UK Ourk 915 WoL online
1231 Bly UA Z 2–0 P RU Roll 804 WoL online
1304 sYz PT Z 2–0 Z DE Hazed 969 WoL online
XILENCE and Plantronics Cup #29 Ro4 hide (2)
940 NoXOuT DE T 1–2 Z PT sYz 1256 WoL online
1231 Bly UA Z 2–1 P RU fraer 970 WoL online
XILENCE and Plantronics Cup #29 Final hide (1)
1304 sYz PT Z 1–3 Z UA Bly 1143 WoL online

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