StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Due to jaf's lack of recent games, they have been marked as inactive and removed from the current rating list. Once they play a rated game they will be reinstated.

33.33% (8/24)
934 ± 160
50.00% (3/6)
962 ± 226
27.27% (3/11)
898 ± 226
28.57% (2/7)
942 ± 226
934 ± 160
962 ± 226
898 ± 226
942 ± 226
All 940 ± 138 (#924) on April 29, 2015
vP 984 ± 198 (#686) on April 29, 2015
vT 901 ± 197 (#1070) on April 29, 2015
vZ 942 ± 152 (#1133) on July 8, 2015
Race Terran
Country Italy
Full name Raphael Millotti
First match April 9, 2015
Last match July 1, 2015
Aligulac ID 9961

Most recent results

Date Rating Player A Score Player B Rating
07/01/2015 971 jaf IT T 0–2 P FR Chubz 1277 HotS online
06/25/2015 892 jaf IT T 0–1 T RS Beastyqt 1714 HotS online
06/25/2015 919 jaf IT T 1–0 Z PL Sliwinsky 1032 HotS online
06/13/2015 901 jaf IT T 0–2 T UA KoyoT 934 HotS online
06/13/2015 901 jaf IT T 2–1 T NL Gannicus 807 HotS online
06/11/2015 936 jaf IT T 0–1 Z PL Tefel 1383 HotS online
06/11/2015 901 jaf IT T 1–0 T SE Freddiet 925 HotS online
04/15/2015 jaf IT T 0–2 Z RU LiveZerg 1491 HotS online
04/13/2015 jaf IT T 0–2 T EE kinjikij 754 HotS online
04/11/2015 jaf IT T 0–1 P PL ArT 1049 HotS online

Team history

Team Joined Left Current
NextGaming June 17, 2017 Sept. 4, 2017 no
True eSport June 17, 2017 no