StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Due to Chi's lack of recent games, they have been marked as inactive and removed from the current rating list. Once they play a rated game they will be reinstated.

45.00% (27/60)
915 ± 160
48.00% (12/25)
925 ± 226
40.00% (2/5)
931 ± 226
43.33% (13/30)
891 ± 226
915 ± 160
925 ± 226
931 ± 226
891 ± 226
All 1047 ± 132 (#354) on June 15, 2011
vP 1036 ± 166 (#489) on Oct. 19, 2011
vT 1071 ± 207 (#301) on June 15, 2011
vZ 1070 ± 188 (#333) on June 15, 2011
Race Protoss
Country Norway
Full name Erik Mundheim
First match April 18, 2010
Last match Feb. 16, 2013
Total earnings $172
Matches played 24 (62.50% offline)
MC number 2
Aligulac ID 981
External TLPD:WoL:IN

Most recent results

Date Rating Player A Score Player B Rating
02/16/2013 1022 Chi NO P 0–2 T NO Kare 1062 WoL offline
02/16/2013 968 Chi NO P 1–2 Z NO KinG 872 WoL offline
02/09/2013 1005 Chi NO P 0–2 P FI Jagelius 1000 WoL online
04/06/2012 1017 Chi NO P 2–1 P NO Xier WoL offline
04/06/2012 994 Chi NO P 0–2 Z KR PhoeNix 1193 WoL offline
04/06/2012 1017 Chi NO P 1–2 P US RaNgeD 996 WoL offline
04/05/2012 994 Chi NO P 2–0 Z NO Civi WoL offline
04/05/2012 994 Chi NO P 1–2 Z UA HappyZerG 943 WoL offline
12/01/2011 1036 Chi NO P 2–1 P DE kAra 987 WoL online
12/01/2011 1022 Chi NO P 1–2 Z PT Mitsuray WoL online

Team history

Team Joined Left Current
Team BX3 no