StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Due to Bazooka's lack of recent games, they have been marked as inactive and removed from the current rating list. Once they play a rated game they will be reinstated.

26.83% (22/82)
620 ± 160
54.17% (13/24)
828 ± 226
19.05% (4/21)
550 ± 226
13.51% (5/37)
482 ± 226
620 ± 160
828 ± 226
550 ± 226
482 ± 226
All 987 ± 140 (#574) on Sept. 3, 2014
vP 987 ± 213 (#578) on Sept. 3, 2014
vT 987 ± 213 (#591) on Sept. 3, 2014
vZ 987 ± 198 (#575) on Sept. 3, 2014
Race Zerg
Country United Kingdom
First match Aug. 12, 2014
Last match March 20, 2016
MC number 2
Aligulac ID 9623

Most recent results

Date Rating Player A Score Player B Rating
03/20/2016 833 Bazooka UK Z 0–2 P PT oSenhorCoxta 950 LotV online
03/20/2016 833 Bazooka UK Z 1–0 P CO davidmg LotV online
02/20/2016 484 Bazooka UK Z 0–3 Z UK Aicy 1582 LotV offline
02/20/2016 742 Bazooka UK Z 3–0 P UK Azures 672 LotV offline
02/20/2016 591 Bazooka UK Z 0–3 T UK GamerRichy 911 LotV offline
02/19/2016 742 Bazooka UK Z 2–0 P UK Tingles LotV offline
02/19/2016 484 Bazooka UK Z 2–0 Z UK Krosis 738 LotV offline
02/19/2016 484 Bazooka UK Z 0–2 Z UK RiSky 1034 LotV offline
02/19/2016 484 Bazooka UK Z 0–2 Z UK FIGARO 1178 LotV offline
02/07/2016 750 Bazooka UK Z 0–1 P SE SatO 895 LotV online

Team history

Team Joined Left Current
Team WardiTV Nov. 16, 2020 no