StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Due to VeniVidiVins's lack of recent games, they have been marked as inactive and removed from the current rating list. Once they play a rated game they will be reinstated.

45.89% (190/414)
1234 ± 160
48.20% (67/139)
1250 ± 226
41.67% (40/96)
1166 ± 226
46.37% (83/179)
1285 ± 226
1234 ± 160
1250 ± 226
1166 ± 226
1285 ± 226
All 1234 ± 160 on May 22, 2019
vP 1250 ± 226 on May 22, 2019
vT 1166 ± 226 on May 22, 2019
vZ 1292 ± 194 (#254) on Oct. 24, 2018
Race Zerg
Country Italy
Full name Vincenzo Ettorre
AKA Vincent
First match Oct. 15, 2013
Last match Nov. 8, 2018
Total earnings $285
Matches played 241 (10.37% offline)
MC number 2
Aligulac ID 9068

Most recent results

Date Rating Player A Score Player B Rating
11/08/2018 1280 VeniVidiVins IT Z 1–3 Z AT HateMe 2028 LotV online
11/08/2018 1142 VeniVidiVins IT Z 3–0 T IT BabyMarine 845 LotV online
11/03/2018 1292 VeniVidiVins IT Z 0–3 Z IT Reynor 2758 LotV online
11/03/2018 1115 VeniVidiVins IT Z 3–0 T IT Unique LotV online
10/04/2018 1291 VeniVidiVins IT Z 0–1 Z IN Demi 1691 LotV online
10/04/2018 1291 VeniVidiVins IT Z 1–0 Z DE BlackK 1047 LotV online
09/09/2018 1211 VeniVidiVins IT Z 0–1 P RU SKillous 1756 LotV online
09/09/2018 1211 VeniVidiVins IT Z 1–0 P RU Nerazim 1341 LotV online
09/09/2018 1095 VeniVidiVins IT Z 1–0 T DE GeneralReddy 763 LotV online
12/13/2017 1184 VeniVidiVins IT Z 0–2 P RO Light 1589 LotV online

Team history

Team Joined Left Current
Mkers Nov. 11, 2019 Jan. 1, 2020 no
Exeed Esports Sept. 4, 2017 Feb. 6, 2019 no
NextGaming June 17, 2017 Sept. 4, 2017 no
True eSport June 17, 2017 no