StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Due to Soyhi's lack of recent games, they have been marked as inactive and removed from the current rating list. Once they play a rated game they will be reinstated.

45.45% (20/44)
954 ± 160
73.33% (11/15)
1069 ± 226
22.22% (2/9)
876 ± 226
35.00% (7/20)
917 ± 226
954 ± 160
1069 ± 226
876 ± 226
917 ± 226
All 996 ± 129 (#461) on Dec. 10, 2014
vP 1085 ± 167 (#397) on May 13, 2015
vT 996 ± 206 (#465) on Dec. 10, 2014
vZ 969 ± 186 (#578) on Dec. 10, 2014
Race Zerg
Country Finland
Full name Niina Kahela
First match Nov. 13, 2014
Last match May 20, 2015
Total earnings $1,500
Matches played 19 (78.95% offline)
MC number 2
Aligulac ID 8886

Most recent results

Date Rating Player A Score Player B Rating
05/20/2015 893 Soyhi FI Z 0–1 T SK BlueCheese 1006 HotS online
05/18/2015 893 Soyhi FI Z 0–1 T NO Hantypen 940 HotS online
05/08/2015 895 Soyhi FI Z 0–2 T US Xenocider 1562 HotS offline
05/08/2015 1067 Soyhi FI Z 0–2 P KR San 1961 HotS offline
05/08/2015 1067 Soyhi FI Z 2–1 P FR Nepou HotS offline
05/08/2015 898 Soyhi FI Z 2–0 Z FR Invictus HotS offline
05/08/2015 898 Soyhi FI Z 0–2 Z SE Miniraser 1375 HotS offline
01/31/2015 952 Soyhi FI Z 0–2 T FI Calt 762 HotS offline
01/31/2015 952 Soyhi FI Z 2–1 T FI Jutso 659 HotS offline
01/31/2015 925 Soyhi FI Z 0–2 Z FI Serral 1550 HotS offline

Team history

Team Joined Left Current
Imaginary Gaming Nov. 24, 2014 July 19, 2015 no