StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Due to Doll's lack of recent games, they have been marked as inactive and removed from the current rating list. Once they play a rated game they will be reinstated.

31.11% (42/135)
870 ± 160
25.00% (14/56)
890 ± 226
43.75% (14/32)
915 ± 226
15.79% (6/38)
806 ± 226
870 ± 160
890 ± 226
915 ± 226
806 ± 226
All 972 ± 160 on March 19, 2014
vP 972 ± 226 on March 19, 2014
vT 972 ± 226 on March 19, 2014
vZ 972 ± 226 on March 19, 2014
Race Terran
Country China
Full name 徐晓宇
Romanized name Xu Xiaoyu
AKA 上海人形
First match Dec. 18, 2013
Last match April 29, 2024
Total earnings $71
Matches played 60 (0.00% offline)
Aligulac ID 8784

Most recent results

Date Rating Player A Score Player B Rating
04/29/2024 820 Doll CN T 2–0 T CN 氷川紗夜 957 LotV online
04/29/2024 723 Doll CN T 2–1 Z CN 风间琉璃 823 LotV online
04/29/2024 725 Doll CN T 2–0 P CN 五河士织 LotV online
04/29/2024 725 Doll CN T 2–0 P CN Hyperion 1446 LotV online
04/29/2024 725 Doll CN T 2–0 P CN Sarutobi 909 LotV online
04/03/2024 733 Doll CN T 0–2 Z KR Mondo 1583 LotV online
10/29/2023 724 Doll CN T 1–3 P CN Jim 1666 LotV online
09/01/2023 725 Doll CN T 0–2 Z KR Armani 2388 LotV online
04/07/2023 801 Doll CN T 0–2 T AU Azure 1726 LotV online
04/07/2023 801 Doll CN T 2–0 T SG Cefovalgin 985 LotV online