StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Due to Ares's lack of recent games, they have been marked as inactive and removed from the current rating list. Once they play a rated game they will be reinstated.

36.21% (21/58)
931 ± 160
38.46% (5/13)
938 ± 226
14.29% (2/14)
878 ± 226
45.16% (14/31)
978 ± 226
931 ± 160
938 ± 226
878 ± 226
978 ± 226
All 971 ± 106 (#776) on April 15, 2015
vP 964 ± 178 (#933) on Oct. 28, 2015
vT 926 ± 161 (#988) on April 15, 2015
vZ 1046 ± 149 (#472) on April 15, 2015
Race Protoss
Country Belgium
Full name Vincent Desmarez
First match Sept. 13, 2013
Last match Jan. 27, 2016
MC number 2
Aligulac ID 8604

Most recent results

Date Rating Player A Score Player B Rating
01/27/2016 995 Ares BE P 0–2 Z PL DaNa 1436 LotV online
11/20/2015 964 Ares BE P 0–1 P CA desRow 1209 LotV online
10/01/2015 954 Ares BE P 1–0 P PL Nowado 983 HotS online
09/27/2015 927 Ares BE P 0–1 P FR Vivo 898 HotS online
09/27/2015 967 Ares BE P 1–0 Z FR Kurtis 987 HotS online
09/23/2015 927 Ares BE P 1–0 P RU Motorhead 968 HotS online
09/18/2015 927 Ares BE P 1–0 P ES Sorkingstar 972 HotS online
06/17/2015 932 Ares BE P 0–1 P DK StrinterN 1142 HotS online
06/06/2015 990 Ares BE P 0–2 Z IN Demi 1254 HotS online
05/28/2015 990 Ares BE P 0–1 Z UA Friend 926 HotS online

Team history

Team Joined Left Current
Nuit Blanche no