StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Due to WING's lack of recent games, they have been marked as inactive and removed from the current rating list. Once they play a rated game they will be reinstated.

33.33% (7/21)
971 ± 160
952 ± 226
954 ± 226
46.67% (7/15)
1008 ± 226
971 ± 160
952 ± 226
954 ± 226
1008 ± 226
All 1030 ± 160 on Feb. 4, 2015
vP 1011 ± 226 on Feb. 4, 2015
vT 1030 ± 226 on Feb. 4, 2015
vZ 1049 ± 226 on Feb. 4, 2015
Race Terran
Country Thailand
First match Sept. 28, 2014
Last match March 26, 2015
Aligulac ID 8578

Most recent results

Date Rating Player A Score Player B Rating
03/26/2015 974 WING TH T 0–2 T TH StriKE 992 HotS online
03/23/2015 1018 WING TH T 0–1 Z AU Law 1192 HotS online
03/06/2015 1039 WING TH T 0–2 Z AU Eros 710 HotS online
02/23/2015 1008 WING TH T 0–2 T AU Azure 1147 HotS online
02/23/2015 1027 WING TH T 1–0 Z AU Cuddles 333 HotS online
02/06/2015 1049 WING TH T 0–2 Z PH EnDerr 1622 HotS online
02/06/2015 1049 WING TH T 2–1 Z AU Cuddles 364 HotS online
10/10/2014 1040 WING TH T 0–2 Z PH EnDerr 1645 HotS online
10/10/2014 1040 WING TH T 2–0 Z AU yizumi HotS online
09/28/2014 WING TH T 0–2 P AU Pezz 1440 HotS online