StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Due to Dustin's lack of recent games, they have been marked as inactive and removed from the current rating list. Once they play a rated game they will be reinstated.

27.59% (8/29)
877 ± 160
33.33% (4/12)
890 ± 226
20.00% (1/5)
874 ± 226
25.00% (3/12)
866 ± 226
877 ± 160
890 ± 226
874 ± 226
866 ± 226
All 1013 ± 160 on Oct. 29, 2014
vP 1013 ± 226 on Oct. 29, 2014
vT 1001 ± 226 on Oct. 29, 2014
vZ 1026 ± 226 on Oct. 29, 2014
Race Protoss
Country United States of America
AKA MasterRN
First match Aug. 25, 2014
Last match Aug. 16, 2015
Aligulac ID 8447

Most recent results

Date Rating Player A Score Player B Rating
08/16/2015 901 Dustin US P 0–2 Z US blu 1235 HotS online
08/16/2015 876 Dustin US P 1–0 T US TrueBoneZ 983 HotS online
07/09/2015 922 Dustin US P 0–2 Z US blu HotS online
06/20/2015 975 Dustin US P 0–2 Z HN Spectrum 988 HotS online
06/20/2015 944 Dustin US P 2–1 P US Arcanine HotS online
06/20/2015 944 Dustin US P 1–2 P CA desRow 1199 HotS online
02/02/2015 951 Dustin US P 0–1 P AT Cube 981 HotS online
01/15/2015 1003 Dustin US P 0–2 Z CA hendralisk 1383 HotS online
01/15/2015 1003 Dustin US P 2–1 Z US blu 972 HotS online
01/14/2015 978 Dustin US P 0–2 T US Epic 1026 HotS online