StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Due to Adrian's lack of recent games, they have been marked as inactive and removed from the current rating list. Once they play a rated game they will be reinstated.

49.43% (87/176)
965 ± 160
57.89% (33/57)
1050 ± 226
60.78% (31/51)
1055 ± 226
33.82% (23/68)
791 ± 226
965 ± 160
1050 ± 226
1055 ± 226
791 ± 226
All 1029 ± 86 (#410) on Oct. 14, 2015
vP 1076 ± 147 (#348) on Sept. 30, 2015
vT 1168 ± 129 (#279) on Oct. 14, 2015
vZ 869 ± 226 (#924) on May 28, 2014
Race Zerg
Country Norway
Full name Adrian Søreide
AKA Queenhustler
First match April 16, 2014
Last match March 25, 2016
Total earnings $127
Matches played 85 (15.29% offline)
MC number 3
Aligulac ID 8327

Most recent results

Date Rating Player A Score Player B Rating
03/25/2016 1135 Adrian NO Z 0–2 T NO HeltEn 1118 LotV offline
03/25/2016 1045 Adrian NO Z 2–0 P NO Slempastor LotV offline
03/24/2016 1045 Adrian NO Z 2–0 P NO Hurricane LotV offline
03/24/2016 1045 Adrian NO Z 0–2 P NO Evire 1247 LotV offline
01/05/2016 836 Adrian NO Z 0–1 Z FR Iselia 943 LotV online
12/07/2015 842 Adrian NO Z 0–1 Z RU Dyshe 976 LotV online
11/01/2015 1153 Adrian NO Z 0–1 T DE ShimOon 1096 HotS online
11/01/2015 828 Adrian NO Z 1–0 Z DK Nuffy 918 HotS online
10/20/2015 1168 Adrian NO Z 0–1 T TR FallenGodz 934 HotS online
10/20/2015 847 Adrian NO Z 1–0 Z FR Xytia 985 HotS online

Team history

Team Joined Left Current
experiMENTAL eSports May 21, 2016 no