StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Due to Crow's lack of recent games, they have been marked as inactive and removed from the current rating list. Once they play a rated game they will be reinstated.

55.52% (307/553)
1690 ± 160
49.76% (103/207)
1712 ± 226
61.83% (81/131)
1684 ± 226
57.21% (123/215)
1675 ± 226
1690 ± 160
1712 ± 226
1684 ± 226
1675 ± 226
All 1690 ± 160 on May 19, 2021
vP 1712 ± 226 on May 19, 2021
vT 1684 ± 226 on May 19, 2021
vZ 1685 ± 112 (#137) on Feb. 27, 2019
Race Zerg
Country France
Full name Clément Dumont
AKA MiNiCrow
Team against All authority
First match Jan. 5, 2013
Last match April 21, 2019
Total earnings $1,552
Matches played 263 (31.56% offline)
MC number 2
Aligulac ID 7982

Most recent results

Date Rating Player A Score Player B Rating
04/21/2019 1662 Crow FR Z 0–2 Z FR Denver 2243 LotV offline
04/21/2019 1656 Crow FR Z 0–3 P FR PtitDrogo 2332 LotV offline
04/21/2019 1656 Crow FR Z 2–0 P FR ShaDoWn 1912 LotV offline
04/21/2019 1662 Crow FR Z 2–1 Z FR hinO 1590 LotV offline
04/20/2019 1662 Crow FR Z 2–1 Z FR Davdou 1146 LotV offline
04/20/2019 1638 Crow FR Z 2–0 T FR TacosDealer LotV offline
04/20/2019 1662 Crow FR Z 0–2 Z FR Denver 2243 LotV offline
04/20/2019 1638 Crow FR Z 1–2 T FR Clem 2303 LotV offline
04/20/2019 1656 Crow FR Z 2–0 P FR zuka 1080 LotV offline
04/20/2019 1656 Crow FR Z 2–0 P FR NeWHoriZonS 684 LotV offline

Team history

Team Joined Left Current
against All authority yes