StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Due to DoMo's lack of recent games, they have been marked as inactive and removed from the current rating list. Once they play a rated game they will be reinstated.

29.03% (9/31)
770 ± 160
28.57% (4/14)
726 ± 226
66.67% (4/6)
853 ± 226
11.11% (1/9)
730 ± 226
770 ± 160
726 ± 226
853 ± 226
730 ± 226
All 930 ± 160 on Feb. 6, 2013
vP 896 ± 226 on Feb. 6, 2013
vT 992 ± 171 (#523) on April 3, 2013
vZ 924 ± 226 on Feb. 6, 2013
Race Zerg
Country Australia
Full name Dominic Anderton
First match March 25, 2012
Last match Oct. 13, 2018
MC number 3
Aligulac ID 7788

Most recent results

Date Rating Player A Score Player B Rating
10/13/2018 874 DoMo AU Z 0–2 Z AU Yours 1468 LotV offline
10/13/2018 992 DoMo AU Z 0–2 T AU aconcises 1059 LotV offline
10/13/2018 874 DoMo AU Z 0–2 Z AU Peppy 1367 LotV offline
10/13/2018 884 DoMo AU Z 0–2 P AU Ice 430 LotV offline
03/30/2013 896 DoMo AU Z 0–2 P AU Birkses 1049 HotS offline
03/30/2013 924 DoMo AU Z 0–2 Z UK Fenner 1238 HotS offline
03/30/2013 971 DoMo AU Z 2–0 T AU Spitfire HotS offline
03/30/2013 896 DoMo AU Z 2–0 P SG Venom 962 HotS offline
03/25/2012 DoMo AU Z 0–2 R AU Shadyjames WoL online
03/25/2012 DoMo AU Z 1–2 P AU Rainion WoL online

Team history

Team Joined Left Current
Seraphic Nexus July 1, 2013 March 19, 2014 no