StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Due to EmPiReS's lack of recent games, they have been marked as inactive and removed from the current rating list. Once they play a rated game they will be reinstated.

29.41% (10/34)
857 ± 160
27.27% (3/11)
856 ± 226
11.11% (1/9)
836 ± 226
42.86% (6/14)
881 ± 226
857 ± 160
856 ± 226
836 ± 226
881 ± 226
All 943 ± 139 (#748) on Jan. 9, 2013
vP 955 ± 191 (#759) on June 13, 2012
vT 921 ± 212 (#810) on Jan. 9, 2013
vZ 966 ± 196 (#639) on Jan. 9, 2013
Race Terran
Country Spain
Full name Oscar Martín Noguerol
First match July 15, 2011
Last match July 14, 2013
Total earnings $543
Matches played 15 (66.67% offline)
MC number 2
Aligulac ID 772

Most recent results

Date Rating Player A Score Player B Rating
07/14/2013 900 EmPiReS ES T 0–2 Z ES Mzrk 936 HotS online
06/30/2013 901 EmPiReS ES T 0–2 P ES ZeroX 927 HotS online
01/31/2013 898 EmPiReS ES T 0–2 T ES MikOeL 1015 WoL online
01/17/2013 966 EmPiReS ES T 0–2 Z ES AlaStOr 1021 WoL online
12/13/2012 952 EmPiReS ES T 2–1 Z ES skarsnich WoL online
07/22/2012 955 EmPiReS ES T 0–2 P KR NaRa 1200 WoL offline
07/22/2012 919 EmPiReS ES T 0–2 T ES LucifroN 1597 WoL offline
07/22/2012 928 EmPiReS ES T 2–1 Z ES Deathfate 903 WoL offline
05/27/2012 899 EmPiReS ES T 0–2 Z ES VortiX 1352 WoL offline
05/27/2012 914 EmPiReS ES T 2–0 P ES kayZer 876 WoL offline

Team history

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