StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Due to VetteL's lack of recent games, they have been marked as inactive and removed from the current rating list. Once they play a rated game they will be reinstated.

44.44% (20/45)
969 ± 160
56.25% (9/16)
986 ± 226
33.33% (1/3)
950 ± 226
38.46% (10/26)
970 ± 226
969 ± 160
986 ± 226
950 ± 226
970 ± 226
All 970 ± 136 (#722) on March 5, 2014
vP 986 ± 226 on Jan. 1, 2020
vT 970 ± 210 (#720) on March 5, 2014
vZ 970 ± 226 on Jan. 1, 2020
Race Protoss
Country Taiwan
First match Feb. 14, 2014
Last match April 13, 2018
MC number 3
Aligulac ID 6953

Most recent results

Date Rating Player A Score Player B Rating
04/13/2018 986 VetteL TW P 0–2 P HK Bistork 1150 LotV online
04/13/2018 921 VetteL TW P 2–0 Z TW RevoLutioN 844 LotV online
07/13/2015 937 VetteL TW P 1–2 T TW KevinLiu HotS online
07/13/2015 949 VetteL TW P 2–0 P TW Calm 861 HotS online
07/12/2015 925 VetteL TW P 0–2 Z TW cheetos 1140 HotS online
07/11/2015 925 VetteL TW P 2–1 Z 毛毛毛毛毛毛毛毛 HotS online
07/11/2015 949 VetteL TW P 2–1 P TW Shang 952 HotS online
05/31/2015 938 VetteL TW P 2–3 Z TW Musou 875 HotS online
05/23/2015 901 VetteL TW P 3–2 Z TW Ren HotS online
05/23/2015 901 VetteL TW P 3–0 P TW NepTuNe HotS online