StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Due to Fullmetal's lack of recent games, they have been marked as inactive and removed from the current rating list. Once they play a rated game they will be reinstated.

32.69% (119/364)
696 ± 160
42.73% (47/110)
760 ± 226
38.71% (24/62)
717 ± 226
25.00% (48/192)
611 ± 226
696 ± 160
760 ± 226
717 ± 226
611 ± 226
All 1001 ± 160 on April 30, 2014
vP 982 ± 202 (#666) on Feb. 19, 2014
vT 1024 ± 165 (#442) on March 5, 2014
vZ 1001 ± 226 on April 30, 2014
Race Terran
Country Australia
Full name Richard McLeod
AKA NotPotanox, fullmetalbawie, Simon39
First match Feb. 8, 2014
Last match April 30, 2016
Total earnings $51
Matches played 182 (2.20% offline)
MC number 3
Aligulac ID 6925

Most recent results

Date Rating Player A Score Player B Rating
04/30/2016 709 Fullmetal AU T 0–1 T JP PSiArc 1428 LotV online
04/30/2016 709 Fullmetal AU T 1–0 T SG Hiro 808 LotV online
04/30/2016 771 Fullmetal AU T 0–2 P AU MysticSecret 788 LotV online
04/17/2016 784 Fullmetal AU T 0–2 P AU Voidreaver 712 LotV online
04/17/2016 692 Fullmetal AU T 2–0 T SG Elusory 390 LotV online
04/03/2016 628 Fullmetal AU T 1–2 Z AU Yours 971 LotV online
04/03/2016 628 Fullmetal AU T 1–2 Z AU Peppy 993 LotV online
04/02/2016 776 Fullmetal AU T 2–0 P AU numlOcked 961 LotV online
04/02/2016 628 Fullmetal AU T 0–2 Z AU Yours 971 LotV online
03/29/2016 619 Fullmetal AU T 1–2 Z IN Demi 1369 LotV online

Team history

Team Joined Left Current
Dynasty Esports Jan. 9, 2015 no
Sharks Esports Sept. 10, 2014 Oct. 11, 2014 no