StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Due to Seriously's lack of recent games, they have been marked as inactive and removed from the current rating list. Once they play a rated game they will be reinstated.

46.67% (21/45)
1077 ± 160
38.89% (7/18)
1021 ± 226
76.92% (10/13)
1114 ± 226
28.57% (4/14)
1097 ± 226
1077 ± 160
1021 ± 226
1114 ± 226
1097 ± 226
All 1092 ± 160 on April 2, 2014
vP 1036 ± 226 on April 2, 2014
vT 1130 ± 226 on April 2, 2014
vZ 1112 ± 226 on April 2, 2014
Race Terran
Country Norway
Full name Mikal Saxvig West
First match Jan. 20, 2011
Last match May 18, 2014
Total earnings $1,250
Matches played 23 (34.78% offline)
MC number 2
Aligulac ID 683
External TLPD:WoL:IN SC2E

Most recent results

Date Rating Player A Score Player B Rating
05/18/2014 1036 Seriously NO T 0–2 P DE ShoWTimE 1520 HotS online
07/02/2013 982 Seriously NO T 2–1 P NO fubb 876 HotS online
07/02/2013 1060 Seriously NO T 2–0 T NO dFNCP HotS online
07/02/2013 1041 Seriously NO T 2–0 Z NO Lasher 982 HotS online
07/28/2012 930 Seriously NO T 0–2 P NO Noticimus 967 WoL offline
07/28/2012 993 Seriously NO T 2–1 T NO Auriouk 917 WoL offline
07/28/2012 930 Seriously NO T 2–0 P NO actioN WoL offline
07/28/2012 951 Seriously NO T 2–1 Z NO TargA 1303 WoL offline
07/28/2012 930 Seriously NO T 2–0 P NO Noticimus 967 WoL offline
07/28/2012 930 Seriously NO T 0–2 P NO Noticimus 967 WoL offline