StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Due to Future's lack of recent games, they have been marked as inactive and removed from the current rating list. Once they play a rated game they will be reinstated.

36.66% (114/311)
716 ± 160
40.95% (43/105)
859 ± 226
29.13% (30/103)
599 ± 226
39.81% (41/103)
691 ± 226
716 ± 160
859 ± 226
599 ± 226
691 ± 226
All 1013 ± 137 (#210) on Sept. 22, 2010
vP 1016 ± 156 (#499) on Jan. 12, 2011
vT 976 ± 175 (#541) on Nov. 3, 2010
vZ 1053 ± 175 (#123) on Sept. 8, 2010
Race Protoss
Country United States of America
Full name Richard Almand
AKA Lastfalconfan
First match Aug. 28, 2010
Last match Jan. 15, 2015
Total earnings $250
Matches played 142 (24.65% offline)
MC number 2
Aligulac ID 667
External TLPD:WoL:IN LP

Most recent results

Date Rating Player A Score Player B Rating
01/15/2015 884 Future US P 0–2 P US Ninja 979 HotS online
07/16/2014 846 Future US P 0–2 P US sWs 1075 HotS online
07/16/2014 684 Future US P 2–1 Z US DeadSaint 960 HotS online
07/12/2014 846 Future US P 2–0 P US Darkblue HotS offline
07/11/2014 684 Future US P 1–2 Z US ArtOfWar 968 HotS offline
06/05/2014 843 Future US P 1–2 P US RayReign HotS online
06/01/2014 699 Future US P 0–2 Z KR viOLet 1716 HotS online
06/01/2014 843 Future US P 2–1 P US Gemini 945 HotS online
07/06/2013 607 Future US P 0–2 T CN Infi 1235 HotS online
03/25/2013 612 Future US P 0–1 T US Neeb 987 HotS online

Team history

Team Joined Left Current
FXOpen e-Sports North America Nov. 15, 2012 Aug. 7, 2013 no
Team ReIGN July 8, 2011 Feb. 17, 2012 no
vT Gaming July 8, 2011 no