StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Due to MontyCarlo's lack of recent games, they have been marked as inactive and removed from the current rating list. Once they play a rated game they will be reinstated.

41.03% (16/39)
818 ± 160
58.33% (7/12)
881 ± 226
50.00% (2/4)
826 ± 226
30.43% (7/23)
746 ± 226
818 ± 160
881 ± 226
826 ± 226
746 ± 226
All 1025 ± 150 (#479) on Sept. 18, 2013
vP 1044 ± 171 (#459) on Aug. 21, 2013
vT 1028 ± 215 (#457) on Sept. 18, 2013
vZ 1004 ± 169 (#629) on Aug. 21, 2013
Race Random
Country Australia
First match Aug. 10, 2013
Last match Sept. 5, 2015
MC number 3
Aligulac ID 6588

Most recent results

Date Rating Player A Score Player B Rating
09/05/2015 921 MontyCarlo AU R 1–2 P AU Fourby 786 HotS offline
09/05/2015 775 MontyCarlo AU R 2–1 Z AU ChadMann 771 HotS offline
09/05/2015 775 MontyCarlo AU R 0–2 Z AU Rendorian 891 HotS offline
07/16/2015 759 MontyCarlo AU R 0–2 Z NZ Petraeus 1903 HotS online
07/15/2015 759 MontyCarlo AU R 2–0 Z AU Cuddles 187 HotS online
07/15/2015 898 MontyCarlo AU R 2–1 P IN mayank HotS online
04/12/2014 874 MontyCarlo AU R 0–2 Z AU Kez 863 HotS offline
04/12/2014 909 MontyCarlo AU R 2–0 P AU Mussels HotS offline
04/12/2014 874 MontyCarlo AU R 1–2 Z AU Arrival HotS offline
01/18/2014 939 MontyCarlo AU R 1–2 T AU BaldEagle 962 HotS offline