StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Due to TubbyTheFat's lack of recent games, they have been marked as inactive and removed from the current rating list. Once they play a rated game they will be reinstated.

44.26% (81/183)
961 ± 160
49.23% (32/65)
987 ± 226
56.41% (22/39)
1047 ± 226
34.18% (27/79)
850 ± 226
961 ± 160
987 ± 226
1047 ± 226
850 ± 226
All 1107 ± 149 (#428) on Aug. 22, 2012
vP 1115 ± 198 (#516) on Aug. 22, 2012
vT 1168 ± 174 (#329) on Nov. 14, 2012
vZ 1053 ± 203 (#516) on Aug. 22, 2012
Race Protoss
Country Canada
Full name Jay Martens
First match March 23, 2012
Last match Jan. 14, 2015
Total earnings $1,073
Matches played 84 (35.71% offline)
MC number 2
Aligulac ID 653
External TLPD:WoL:IN SC2E LP

Most recent results

Date Rating Player A Score Player B Rating
01/14/2015 841 TubbyTheFat CA P 0–2 Z US Moosegills 1441 HotS online
01/14/2015 841 TubbyTheFat CA P 2–0 Z US SirRobin 701 HotS online
07/14/2013 1025 TubbyTheFat CA P 0–2 P CA OneTrickPony 1073 HotS offline
07/13/2013 872 TubbyTheFat CA P 0–2 Z CA hendralisk 1424 HotS offline
07/13/2013 1022 TubbyTheFat CA P 2–0 T CA moosy 961 HotS offline
07/10/2013 862 TubbyTheFat CA P 0–2 Z CN XiGua 1496 HotS online
07/10/2013 995 TubbyTheFat CA P 2–0 P US EroSennin 784 HotS online
07/08/2013 1103 TubbyTheFat CA P 0–2 T US Abstinence HotS online
07/08/2013 862 TubbyTheFat CA P 2–0 Z US AuRora 846 HotS online
07/06/2013 1103 TubbyTheFat CA P 0–2 T US EliGe 1042 HotS online

Team history

Team Joined Left Current
Team Nightmares no
Infinity Seven Sept. 12, 2012 Nov. 14, 2013 no