StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Due to BoardingPear's lack of recent games, they have been marked as inactive and removed from the current rating list. Once they play a rated game they will be reinstated.

22.22% (4/18)
821 ± 160
20.00% (1/5)
844 ± 226
40.00% (2/5)
836 ± 226
781 ± 226
821 ± 160
844 ± 226
836 ± 226
781 ± 226
All 972 ± 141 (#752) on Feb. 5, 2014
vP 972 ± 213 (#754) on Feb. 5, 2014
vT 972 ± 213 (#746) on Feb. 5, 2014
vZ 972 ± 198 (#746) on Feb. 5, 2014
Race Zerg
Country Australia
Full name Mitchell Wright
AKA MittyKun
Birthday Sept. 6, 1996
Team Solarity
First match Jan. 9, 2014
Last match Feb. 27, 2015
MC number 3
Aligulac ID 6380

Most recent results

Date Rating Player A Score Player B Rating
02/27/2015 798 BoardingPear AU Z 0–2 Z NZ Crimson 1227 HotS online
09/14/2014 881 BoardingPear AU Z 1–2 P MY IronLung 668 HotS online
08/17/2014 924 BoardingPear AU Z 0–2 Z AU snexwang 593 HotS offline
08/17/2014 948 BoardingPear AU Z 1–0 T AU Ice HotS offline
08/17/2014 936 BoardingPear AU Z 1–0 R AU Bugalugs 918 HotS offline
08/17/2014 948 BoardingPear AU Z 0–2 T AU tSu HotS offline
08/16/2014 948 BoardingPear AU Z 0–1 T KR Spear 1549 HotS online
06/16/2014 942 BoardingPear AU Z 0–1 Z KR Pet 1322 HotS online
06/16/2014 942 BoardingPear AU Z 1–0 T AU TheAcE 955 HotS online
04/12/2014 972 BoardingPear AU Z 0–2 P AU Rize 813 HotS online

Team history

Team Joined Left Current
Solarity yes
Eternal E-Sports no