StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Due to South's lack of recent games, they have been marked as inactive and removed from the current rating list. Once they play a rated game they will be reinstated.

39.23% (71/181)
806 ± 160
49.15% (29/59)
912 ± 226
48.15% (13/27)
830 ± 226
30.34% (27/89)
676 ± 226
806 ± 160
912 ± 226
830 ± 226
676 ± 226
All 1004 ± 133 (#548) on May 16, 2012
vP 1063 ± 124 (#412) on March 6, 2013
vT 1003 ± 193 (#541) on May 16, 2012
vZ 946 ± 176 (#1054) on Sept. 19, 2012
Race Zerg
Country Australia
First match April 29, 2012
Last match April 17, 2015
MC number 3
Aligulac ID 6097

Most recent results

Date Rating Player A Score Player B Rating
04/17/2015 689 South AU P 0–2 Z PH EnDerr 1593 HotS online
04/17/2015 917 South AU P 2–1 P IN Kite 566 HotS online
04/13/2015 694 South AU Z 2–0 Z NZ ZergCola 660 HotS online
04/13/2015 879 South AU Z 0–2 T AU DeeCN 909 HotS online
04/12/2015 694 South AU Z 0–2 Z AU Alopex 1408 HotS online
04/11/2015 694 South AU Z 0–2 Z AU Chobosniper 1088 HotS online
04/11/2015 694 South AU Z 2–0 Z TH ViperPro 917 HotS online
04/11/2015 694 South AU Z 0–2 Z NZ Crimson 1195 HotS online
04/06/2015 841 South AU Z 1–2 R AU Schnitzel 740 HotS online
04/06/2015 949 South AU Z 0–2 P AU Probe 1454 HotS online

Team history

Team Joined Left Current
metaGameGods no