StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Due to expertX's lack of recent games, they have been marked as inactive and removed from the current rating list. Once they play a rated game they will be reinstated.

36.07% (22/61)
905 ± 160
47.37% (9/19)
930 ± 226
35.00% (7/20)
902 ± 226
27.27% (6/22)
884 ± 226
905 ± 160
930 ± 226
902 ± 226
884 ± 226
All 988 ± 160 on July 9, 2014
vP 988 ± 226 on July 9, 2014
vT 988 ± 226 on July 9, 2014
vZ 988 ± 226 on July 9, 2014
Race Protoss
Country China
Full name 张博文
Romanized name Zhang Bowen
First match Nov. 10, 2011
Last match Aug. 22, 2019
Total earnings $456
Matches played 29 (17.24% offline)
MC number 2
Aligulac ID 5942

Most recent results

Date Rating Player A Score Player B Rating
08/22/2019 927 expertX CN P 1–2 P CN Daydreamer 1470 LotV online
07/23/2019 890 expertX CN P 0–2 Z CN BreakingGG 1724 LotV online
06/26/2019 911 expertX CN P 0–2 Z CN Misaki 1693 LotV online
06/24/2019 887 expertX CN P 2–0 T CN Foreer 984 LotV online
07/02/2017 956 expertX CN P 0–2 Z CN CarsickZerg 830 LotV offline
06/20/2016 919 expertX CN P 0–2 P CN Jim 1517 LotV online
06/20/2016 919 expertX CN P 2–0 P CN LiveYwun 951 LotV online
06/20/2016 913 expertX CN P 2–0 Z CN Smile 870 LotV online
06/20/2016 925 expertX CN P 0–2 T CN XY 1421 LotV online
06/16/2016 913 expertX CN P 0–2 Z AU Yours 924 LotV online