StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Due to NaRa's lack of recent games, they have been marked as inactive and removed from the current rating list. Once they play a rated game they will be reinstated.

39.25% (42/107)
985 ± 160
45.83% (11/24)
1062 ± 226
41.46% (17/41)
983 ± 226
33.33% (14/42)
911 ± 226
985 ± 160
1062 ± 226
983 ± 226
911 ± 226
All 1260 ± 152 (#96) on Aug. 24, 2011
vP 1247 ± 221 (#96) on Aug. 24, 2011
vT 1250 ± 216 (#112) on Aug. 24, 2011
vZ 1283 ± 215 (#84) on Aug. 24, 2011
Race Protoss
Country South Korea
Full name 이한을
Romanized name Lee Han Eul
First match July 14, 2010
Last match Dec. 21, 2013
Total earnings $505
Matches played 49 (51.02% offline)
MC number 2
Aligulac ID 588
External TLPD:WoL:IN SC2E

Most recent results

Date Rating Player A Score Player B Rating
12/21/2013 1017 NaRa KR P 1–2 T ES AqueroN HotS online
12/21/2013 953 NaRa KR P 0–2 Z SE Namshar 1201 HotS online
10/06/2013 1003 NaRa KR P 0–2 Z ES AlaStOr 1070 HotS online
10/06/2013 1027 NaRa KR P 2–0 T ES GranPkt 916 HotS online
10/06/2013 1027 NaRa KR P 0–2 T ES LucifroN 1788 HotS online
08/04/2013 1115 NaRa KR P 2–0 P ES aether HotS online
07/21/2013 1032 NaRa KR P 0–2 T ES MikOeL 1090 HotS online
07/19/2013 1047 NaRa KR P 2–1 P UK BlinG 1470 HotS offline
07/19/2013 1047 NaRa KR P 2–0 P ES Torru HotS offline
07/19/2013 1032 NaRa KR P 0–2 T FR Dayshi 1605 HotS offline

Team history

Team Joined Left Current
Pulse Esports March 12, 2013 April 14, 2013 no
Aprender Sept. 24, 2012 no