StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Due to ChAnCe's lack of recent games, they have been marked as inactive and removed from the current rating list. Once they play a rated game they will be reinstated.

51.38% (56/109)
1110 ± 160
57.78% (26/45)
1140 ± 226
41.30% (19/46)
1045 ± 226
61.11% (11/18)
1146 ± 226
1110 ± 160
1140 ± 226
1045 ± 226
1146 ± 226
All 1153 ± 127 (#275) on Jan. 11, 2012
vP 1189 ± 178 (#233) on Jan. 11, 2012
vT 1120 ± 195 (#285) on Nov. 16, 2011
vZ 1171 ± 178 (#244) on Jan. 11, 2012
Race Zerg
Country Canada
Full name Zac Palmer
Birthday Dec. 23, 1987
First match Nov. 10, 2010
Last match July 19, 2016
MC number 2
Aligulac ID 570
External TLPD:WoL:IN

Most recent results

Date Rating Player A Score Player B Rating
07/19/2016 1038 ChAnCe CA Z 0–2 T KR NaTuRal 1678 LotV online
07/19/2016 1103 ChAnCe CA Z 2–0 Z PL Kuro 877 LotV online
04/06/2012 1070 ChAnCe CA Z 0–2 T KR ByuN 1598 WoL offline
04/06/2012 1158 ChAnCe CA Z 0–2 P FR ToD 1337 WoL offline
03/14/2012 1080 ChAnCe CA Z 0–2 T SE ThorZaIN 1545 WoL online
02/22/2012 1157 ChAnCe CA Z 0–1 Z KR Shine 1243 WoL online
02/05/2012 1183 ChAnCe CA Z 2–1 P SE Bischu 1165 WoL online
02/05/2012 1183 ChAnCe CA Z 0–2 P Rail 1221 WoL online
01/25/2012 1101 ChAnCe CA Z 0–1 T KR GuMiho 1538 WoL online
01/08/2012 1053 ChAnCe CA Z 1–0 T KR Sparta 1176 WoL online

Team history

Team Joined Left Current
Quantic Gaming May 5, 2012 Dec. 4, 2012 no
Team Vile Nov. 18, 2011 May 5, 2012 no
CheckSix Gaming Sept. 22, 2011 no