StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Due to KensShow's lack of recent games, they have been marked as inactive and removed from the current rating list. Once they play a rated game they will be reinstated.

67.65% (92/136)
1416 ± 160
79.59% (39/49)
1457 ± 226
57.69% (15/26)
1358 ± 226
62.07% (36/58)
1432 ± 226
1416 ± 160
1457 ± 226
1358 ± 226
1432 ± 226
All 1441 ± 160 on Jan. 7, 2015
vP 1482 ± 226 on Jan. 7, 2015
vT 1384 ± 226 on Jan. 7, 2015
vZ 1458 ± 226 on Jan. 7, 2015
Race Protoss
Country Germany
Full name Andre Loper
First match Sept. 13, 2013
Last match July 1, 2015
Total earnings $76
Matches played 86 (0.00% offline)
Aligulac ID 5486

Most recent results

Date Rating Player A Score Player B Rating
07/01/2015 1384 KensShow DE P 1–2 T IT Plague HotS online
06/02/2014 1451 KensShow DE P 1–0 Z UA UkraineStar 1106 HotS online
06/02/2014 1451 KensShow DE P 1–0 Z UA walle HotS online
06/02/2014 1451 KensShow DE P 1–0 Z UA UkraineStar 1106 HotS online
06/02/2014 1467 KensShow DE P 1–0 P RU DmC 1167 HotS online
06/01/2014 1451 KensShow DE P 0–1 Z FR etidrood 879 HotS online
06/01/2014 1467 KensShow DE P 1–0 P FR Chubz 1115 HotS online
06/01/2014 1467 KensShow DE P 1–0 P FR DnS 1131 HotS online
05/25/2014 1339 KensShow DE P 0–1 T KR jjakji 2100 HotS online
05/25/2014 1430 KensShow DE P 1–0 P NL JayPower 1030 HotS online

Team history

Team Joined Left Current
Russian Universe of Warhammer no