StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Due to Drolla's lack of recent games, they have been marked as inactive and removed from the current rating list. Once they play a rated game they will be reinstated.

34.33% (23/67)
795 ± 160
38.10% (8/21)
817 ± 226
33.33% (2/6)
769 ± 226
32.50% (13/40)
801 ± 226
795 ± 160
817 ± 226
769 ± 226
801 ± 226
All 1001 ± 160 (#455) on Jan. 25, 2012
vP 1001 ± 226 (#490) on Jan. 25, 2012
vT 985 ± 173 (#556) on Dec. 14, 2011
vZ 1017 ± 226 (#424) on Jan. 25, 2012
Race Protoss
Country United Kingdom
Full name Max Curran
First match Dec. 14, 2011
Last match Aug. 24, 2013
MC number 3
Aligulac ID 5286

Most recent results

Date Rating Player A Score Player B Rating
08/24/2013 782 Drolla UK P 0–2 T UK Jimmeh 956 HotS offline
08/24/2013 755 Drolla UK P 0–2 Z UK RMP 1017 HotS offline
08/24/2013 755 Drolla UK P 2–1 Z CH PengWin 813 HotS offline
08/24/2013 755 Drolla UK P 2–0 Z UK Stone 810 HotS offline
08/24/2013 755 Drolla UK P 1–2 Z IS Kaldi 1053 HotS offline
03/22/2013 854 Drolla UK P 0–2 P UK Buzz HotS offline
03/22/2013 854 Drolla UK P 0–2 P UK rANDY 1097 HotS offline
03/22/2013 733 Drolla UK P 2–0 Z UK Sabre 881 HotS offline
03/22/2013 733 Drolla UK P 0–2 Z UK Jamesykins 931 HotS offline
08/27/2012 809 Drolla UK P 0–2 Z UK Phamut 953 WoL offline

Team history

Team Joined Left Current
Karnage eSports no
The Last Resort April 20, 2013 no