StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Due to Stormz's lack of recent games, they have been marked as inactive and removed from the current rating list. Once they play a rated game they will be reinstated.

44.41% (143/322)
977 ± 160
47.41% (55/116)
949 ± 226
69.81% (37/53)
1153 ± 226
33.55% (51/152)
829 ± 226
977 ± 160
949 ± 226
1153 ± 226
829 ± 226
All 986 ± 124 (#791) on Oct. 3, 2012
vP 986 ± 176 (#None) on Oct. 3, 2012
vT 1153 ± 226 on April 15, 2015
vZ 986 ± 203 (#779) on Oct. 3, 2012
Race Zerg
Country Australia
Full name Michael Gorey
AKA xStorMz
First match Sept. 23, 2012
Last match Aug. 17, 2014
Total earnings $56
Matches played 173 (10.98% offline)
MC number 3
Aligulac ID 5103

Most recent results

Date Rating Player A Score Player B Rating
08/17/2014 866 Stormz AU Z 1–2 P AU Rize 744 HotS offline
08/17/2014 866 Stormz AU Z 2–0 P AU coolbeans 985 HotS offline
08/17/2014 718 Stormz AU Z 2–0 Z AU snexwang 593 HotS offline
08/17/2014 718 Stormz AU Z 0–2 Z AU Satu 999 HotS offline
08/17/2014 1054 Stormz AU Z 2–0 T AU zeNo 736 HotS offline
08/17/2014 718 Stormz AU Z 2–0 Z AU ILikeTrains 821 HotS offline
05/25/2014 744 Stormz AU Z 0–2 Z UK Fenner 1167 HotS online
05/25/2014 1050 Stormz AU Z 2–0 T SG Elusory 904 HotS online
05/11/2014 763 Stormz AU Z 0–2 Z AU Law 1088 HotS online
05/11/2014 763 Stormz AU Z 1–2 Z AU Alopex 1127 HotS online

Team history

Team Joined Left Current
Team Exile5 Aug. 7, 2013 no