StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Due to sycknesS's lack of recent games, they have been marked as inactive and removed from the current rating list. Once they play a rated game they will be reinstated.

41.51% (22/53)
906 ± 160
43.75% (7/16)
900 ± 226
38.46% (5/13)
865 ± 226
41.67% (10/24)
952 ± 226
906 ± 160
900 ± 226
865 ± 226
952 ± 226
All 1107 ± 144 (#222) on Dec. 1, 2010
vP 1086 ± 198 (#201) on Dec. 1, 2010
vT 1074 ± 214 (#184) on Jan. 12, 2011
vZ 1167 ± 203 (#175) on Dec. 1, 2010
Race Zerg
Country United States of America
Full name Ryan Mitchell
First match Nov. 5, 2010
Last match July 2, 2013
MC number 2
Aligulac ID 487
External TLPD:WoL:IN

Most recent results

Date Rating Player A Score Player B Rating
07/02/2013 889 sycknesS US Z 0–2 T CN DouDou 996 HotS online
11/19/2011 994 sycknesS US Z 2–0 Z US StrifeCro 1026 WoL offline
11/19/2011 994 sycknesS US Z 0–2 Z US Sheth 1285 WoL offline
11/19/2011 994 sycknesS US Z 0–2 Z US giX 1034 WoL offline
11/01/2011 1015 sycknesS US Z 1–2 Z PE CatZ 901 WoL online
10/25/2011 1015 sycknesS US Z 0–1 Z PE CatZ 901 WoL online
10/15/2011 922 sycknesS US Z 2–1 T US TriMaster 1210 WoL offline
10/15/2011 922 sycknesS US Z 0–2 T SE Jinro 1210 WoL offline
10/15/2011 909 sycknesS US Z 2–0 P US Future 894 WoL offline
10/15/2011 909 sycknesS US Z 0–2 P UA White-Ra 1409 WoL offline

Team history

Team Joined Left Current
CheckSix Gaming Sept. 22, 2011 no