StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Due to sAviOr's lack of recent games, they have been marked as inactive and removed from the current rating list. Once they play a rated game they will be reinstated.

40.48% (17/42)
960 ± 160
25.00% (5/20)
893 ± 226
80.00% (4/5)
1009 ± 226
47.06% (8/17)
977 ± 226
960 ± 160
893 ± 226
1009 ± 226
977 ± 226
All 994 ± 160 on March 19, 2014
vP 989 ± 212 (#None) on May 1, 2013
vT 1043 ± 226 on March 19, 2014
vZ 1011 ± 226 on March 19, 2014
Race Zerg
Country Norway
First match April 14, 2013
Last match June 6, 2015
Aligulac ID 4555

Most recent results

Date Rating Player A Score Player B Rating
06/06/2015 899 sAviOr NO Z 0–1 P US Arium 1470 HotS online
05/18/2014 927 sAviOr NO Z 0–2 P FR Behemoth 873 HotS online
12/27/2013 920 sAviOr NO Z 0–2 P NO Eiki 1255 HotS online
12/27/2013 956 sAviOr NO Z 2–0 Z NO 2STRONKDUDE HotS online
07/11/2013 901 sAviOr NO Z 2–1 P NO KarateKyle 926 HotS online
07/11/2013 947 sAviOr NO Z 2–1 Z NO Tribax 893 HotS online
07/11/2013 901 sAviOr NO Z 2–1 P NO kostro 944 HotS online
07/07/2013 965 sAviOr NO Z 2–0 T EE kinjikij 971 HotS online
07/07/2013 965 sAviOr NO Z 0–2 Z ES AlaStOr 1220 HotS online
07/06/2013 965 sAviOr NO Z 0–2 P UK BlinG 1342 HotS online