StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Due to Malice's lack of recent games, they have been marked as inactive and removed from the current rating list. Once they play a rated game they will be reinstated.

46.25% (74/160)
964 ± 160
60.00% (27/45)
966 ± 226
48.28% (14/29)
1043 ± 226
38.37% (33/86)
885 ± 226
964 ± 160
966 ± 226
1043 ± 226
885 ± 226
All 1007 ± 80 (#523) on Oct. 2, 2013
vP 1003 ± 174 (#617) on March 5, 2014
vT 1085 ± 187 (#393) on Oct. 30, 2013
vZ 968 ± 190 (#769) on March 6, 2013
Race Protoss
Country Australia
Full name Ben O'Neill
First match Dec. 4, 2011
Last match July 19, 2015
Total earnings $94
Matches played 86 (18.60% offline)
MC number 2
Aligulac ID 4450

Most recent results

Date Rating Player A Score Player B Rating
07/19/2015 1071 Malice AU P 0–2 T US MorN HotS online
06/29/2014 921 Malice AU P 0–1 Z NZ Crimson 1277 HotS online
03/02/2014 946 Malice AU P 0–2 Z AU PiG 1639 HotS online
03/02/2014 989 Malice AU P 2–0 P AU Stodd 862 HotS online
09/23/2013 912 Malice AU P 1–0 Z AU Totodile HotS online
09/23/2013 912 Malice AU P 1–2 Z AU Wally 982 HotS online
09/23/2013 1052 Malice AU P 2–0 T AU StoicWilly 888 HotS online
09/21/2013 912 Malice AU P 1–2 Z AU Kez 923 HotS offline
09/21/2013 912 Malice AU P 2–0 Z AU Arrival 825 HotS offline
09/21/2013 935 Malice AU P 2–1 P AU ARze 1028 HotS offline

Team history

Team Joined Left Current
Avant Garde May 14, 2013 Aug. 14, 2013 no