StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Due to IMBADUDE's lack of recent games, they have been marked as inactive and removed from the current rating list. Once they play a rated game they will be reinstated.

39.02% (16/41)
898 ± 160
45.00% (9/20)
923 ± 226
33.33% (2/6)
909 ± 226
33.33% (5/15)
863 ± 226
898 ± 160
923 ± 226
909 ± 226
863 ± 226
All 978 ± 114 (#836) on April 18, 2012
vP 965 ± 191 (#1095) on May 2, 2012
vT 967 ± 171 (#901) on July 10, 2013
vZ 1002 ± 188 (#692) on May 2, 2012
Race Protoss
Country Norway
Full name Toan Bui
First match April 5, 2012
Last match Jan. 30, 2014
MC number 2
Aligulac ID 3962
External TLPD:WoL:IN

Most recent results

Date Rating Player A Score Player B Rating
01/30/2014 918 IMBADUDE NO P 1–0 P AU Kyoshi HotS online
01/30/2014 918 IMBADUDE NO P 0–1 P KR Arthur 1644 HotS online
01/12/2014 913 IMBADUDE NO P 1–2 P DE Socke 1565 HotS online
12/27/2013 912 IMBADUDE NO P 0–2 Z NO kolbein 789 HotS online
12/27/2013 913 IMBADUDE NO P 2–0 P NO Emperor 935 HotS online
07/12/2013 938 IMBADUDE NO P 1–2 P NO actioN 1030 HotS online
07/11/2013 967 IMBADUDE NO P 0–2 T NO Ares 948 HotS online
07/07/2013 1002 IMBADUDE NO P 0–2 Z RU LiveZerg 1491 HotS online
07/07/2013 965 IMBADUDE NO P 2–1 P SE Daveathor 1017 HotS online
07/03/2013 965 IMBADUDE NO P 0–2 P NO fubb 929 HotS online

Team history

Team Joined Left Current
Team BX3 no