StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


WiseMan Summary Rating history Match history Earnings Adjustments

36.65% (70/191)
28.79% (19/66)
32.43% (12/37)
44.05% (37/84)

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Under these filters, WiseMan is 70–121 (36.65%) in games and 29–55 (34.52%) in matches.

epic.LAN #43 hide
10/25/2024 WiseMan UK Z 1–2 Z NL Blackwidow LotV offline
10/25/2024 WiseMan UK Z 2–0 Z UK DeltaBoxer LotV offline
10/25/2024 WiseMan UK Z 0–2 P UK ZAiN LotV offline
10/25/2024 WiseMan UK Z 0–2 Z UK Aicy LotV offline
10/25/2024 WiseMan UK Z 0–2 Z UK RiSky LotV offline
10/25/2024 WiseMan UK Z 2–0 Z UK PigeonWrench LotV offline
epic.LAN #42 hide
07/19/2024 WiseMan UK Z 0–2 T UK GamerRichy LotV offline
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07/19/2024 WiseMan UK Z 0–2 T UK Raza LotV offline
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07/19/2024 WiseMan UK Z 1–2 Z UK FIGARO LotV offline
07/19/2024 WiseMan UK Z 2–0 Z UK PigeonWrench LotV offline
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07/19/2024 WiseMan UK Z 3–1 P ES Fairespiter LotV online
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epic.LAN #41 hide
02/24/2024 WiseMan UK Z 0–2 T UK Raza LotV offline
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02/23/2024 WiseMan UK Z 2–1 Z UK Aicy LotV offline
02/23/2024 WiseMan UK Z 1–2 T UK Iba LotV offline
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01/21/2024 WiseMan UK Z 3–2 P PL Matrixx LotV online
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epic.LAN #40 hide
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10/27/2023 WiseMan UK Z 0–2 P UK Countess LotV offline
10/27/2023 WiseMan UK Z 0–2 Z UK RiSky LotV offline
epic.LAN #39 hide
07/29/2023 WiseMan UK Z 2–0 P UK Giaphage LotV offline
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07/28/2023 WiseMan UK Z 0–2 P UK RosscO LotV offline
07/28/2023 WiseMan UK Z 2–0 Z UK DeltaBoxer LotV offline
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02/24/2023 WiseMan UK Z 0–2 P IE Eiger LotV offline
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02/18/2023 WiseMan UK Z 0–2 P DE Blutmilan LotV online
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01/28/2023 WiseMan UK Z 1–2 T PL Flexy LotV online
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12/10/2022 WiseMan UK Z 0–3 Z CA Shiny LotV online
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10/29/2022 WiseMan UK Z 0–2 P PH Dash LotV online
epic.LAN #37 hide
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10/28/2022 WiseMan UK Z 2–0 Z UK PigeonWrench LotV offline
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epic.LAN #34 hide
10/29/2021 WiseMan UK Z 2–0 R UK Tagmata LotV offline
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