StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Due to Moosegills's lack of recent games, they have been marked as inactive and removed from the current rating list. Once they play a rated game they will be reinstated.

57.96% (244/421)
1593 ± 160
64.05% (98/153)
1709 ± 226
48.18% (53/110)
1431 ± 226
58.86% (93/158)
1639 ± 226
1593 ± 160
1709 ± 226
1431 ± 226
1639 ± 226
All 1593 ± 160 on June 8, 2016
vP 1709 ± 226 on June 8, 2016
vT 1431 ± 226 on June 8, 2016
vZ 1639 ± 226 on June 8, 2016
Race Zerg
Country United States of America
Full name Michael Wolff
Birthday Oct. 12, 1992
Team CompLexity Gaming
First match Nov. 24, 2011
Last match Nov. 22, 2015
Total earnings $967
Matches played 193 (1.04% offline)
MC number 2
Aligulac ID 2218

Most recent results

Date Rating Player A Score Player B Rating
11/22/2015 1569 Moosegills US Z 4–0 Z US Honeybear 1095 LotV online
11/22/2015 1569 Moosegills US Z 2–0 Z US Honeybear 1095 LotV online
11/21/2015 1384 Moosegills US Z 2–0 T US Zan 1031 LotV online
11/21/2015 1569 Moosegills US Z 2–0 Z CR EON 676 LotV online
10/25/2015 1559 Moosegills US Z 1–0 Z KR Mamuri 1352 HotS online
10/25/2015 1361 Moosegills US Z 1–0 T KR Spear 1800 HotS online
10/25/2015 1361 Moosegills US Z 1–0 T JP PSiArc 1239 HotS online
10/25/2015 1361 Moosegills US Z 1–0 T US Spectre 1150 HotS online
10/04/2015 1638 Moosegills US Z 0–1 P CL PurpleHAzE 874 HotS online
10/04/2015 1541 Moosegills US Z 1–0 Z BO DarK 879 HotS online

Team history

Team Joined Left Current
CompLexity Gaming Jan. 31, 2014 yes
FXOpen e-Sports North America March 4, 2013 Aug. 7, 2013 no
LighT eSports March 4, 2013 no
Frost eSports Nov. 8, 2012 Jan. 1, 2013 no
Multitude Gaming Aug. 16, 2012 Sept. 30, 2012 no