StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Due to Astra's lack of recent games, they have been marked as inactive and removed from the current rating list. Once they play a rated game they will be reinstated.

27.96% (130/465)
913 ± 160
29.00% (58/200)
962 ± 226
23.26% (30/129)
850 ± 226
30.77% (40/130)
927 ± 226
913 ± 160
962 ± 226
850 ± 226
927 ± 226
All 982 ± 110 (#687) on Dec. 2, 2020
vP 996 ± 134 (#664) on July 14, 2021
vT 975 ± 166 (#764) on Dec. 2, 2020
vZ 989 ± 179 (#617) on Dec. 2, 2020
Race Protoss
Country Russia
AKA ImSoUseless, AstraZA, SlavaZA
First match Oct. 13, 2020
Last match Nov. 10, 2024
Total earnings $320
Matches played 213 (3.29% offline)
MC number 2
Aligulac ID 21959

Most recent results

Date Rating Player A Score Player B Rating
11/10/2024 876 Astra RU P 0–3 T RU LORDGG 1211 LotV online
09/29/2024 968 Astra RU P 0–2 P RU FIIClicK 831 LotV online
09/29/2024 890 Astra RU P 2–0 Z RU goodyon LotV online
09/29/2024 968 Astra RU P 0–2 P RU Strange 2760 LotV online
09/23/2024 890 Astra RU P 1–2 Z RU GgMaChine 1803 LotV online
09/23/2024 968 Astra RU P 0–2 P RU Shameless 2125 LotV online
09/23/2024 968 Astra RU P 2–0 P RU Maxvel 981 LotV online
09/15/2024 969 Astra RU P 0–2 Z RU Iosup 1007 LotV online
09/12/2024 880 Astra RU P 0–2 T RU Nicoract 2311 LotV online
09/12/2024 969 Astra RU P 2–1 Z DE TerenZ 873 LotV online