StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Due to Pathetic's lack of recent games, they have been marked as inactive and removed from the current rating list. Once they play a rated game they will be reinstated.

33.33% (7/21)
970 ± 160
25.00% (2/8)
945 ± 226
42.86% (3/7)
967 ± 226
33.33% (2/6)
998 ± 226
970 ± 160
945 ± 226
967 ± 226
998 ± 226
All 977 ± 106 (#781) on Aug. 26, 2020
vP 979 ± 162 (#747) on Aug. 26, 2020
vT 988 ± 163 (#694) on Aug. 26, 2020
vZ 998 ± 226 on May 18, 2022
Race Protoss
Country Chile
First match Aug. 10, 2020
Last match Oct. 18, 2020
Aligulac ID 21616

Most recent results

Date Rating Player A Score Player B Rating
10/18/2020 980 Pathetic CL P 0–2 T PE Shellbee 991 LotV online
10/18/2020 956 Pathetic CL P 2–0 Z CL Blessmen LotV online
10/16/2020 971 Pathetic CL P 0–2 P CL Darkness 1756 LotV online
10/16/2020 971 Pathetic CL P 0–2 P BO faesbuca 917 LotV online
09/07/2020 988 Pathetic CL P 1–2 T US ArmLeg 938 LotV online
08/23/2020 974 Pathetic CL P 0–2 Z MX JimRising 1903 LotV online
08/23/2020 974 Pathetic CL P 2–0 P CL ZeroGLHF 934 LotV online
08/17/2020 974 Pathetic CL P 0–2 P DE Jumy 1515 LotV online
08/17/2020 974 Pathetic CL P 2–0 T DE GFG 665 LotV online
08/10/2020 Pathetic CL P 0–2 Z US Cyllene 1008 LotV online