StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


This period started on Aug. 24, 2023 and ended on Sept. 6, 2023.

Old rtg. Opposition Expected score Actual score Performance New rtg. Adjustment
vP 1500 1712 4.3 5.7 5.0 5.0 1688 1521 +22
vT 1285 923 4.6 2.4 6.0 1.0 1928 1321 +36
vZ 1419 1448 +29
All 1401 1387 8.9 8.1 11.0 6.0 N/A 1430 +29
Date Rating Player A Score Player B Rating
09/01/2023 1285 Shameless RU P 2–0 T RU Negod 856 LotV online
09/01/2023 1500 Shameless RU P 0–2 P RU UedSoldier 1262 LotV online
09/01/2023 1500 Shameless RU P 2–0 P RU MindelVK 1926 LotV online
09/01/2023 1500 Shameless RU P 1–1 P NL HiGhDrA 1507 LotV online
08/25/2023 1285 Shameless RU P 2–1 T RU ProtoZZavr 1002 LotV online
08/25/2023 1500 Shameless RU P 2–0 P RU UedSoldier 1262 LotV online
08/25/2023 1500 Shameless RU P 0–2 P RU Strange 2602 LotV online
08/25/2023 1285 Shameless RU P 2–0 T RU Abob 871 LotV online