StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Due to CammyGreen's lack of recent games, they have been marked as inactive and removed from the current rating list. Once they play a rated game they will be reinstated.

39.08% (34/87)
937 ± 160
45.00% (9/20)
972 ± 226
34.29% (12/35)
851 ± 226
46.43% (13/28)
989 ± 226
937 ± 160
972 ± 226
851 ± 226
989 ± 226
All 1099 ± 99 (#381) on Oct. 21, 2020
vP 1160 ± 167 (#347) on Oct. 7, 2020
vT 978 ± 181 (#752) on Sept. 23, 2020
vZ 1170 ± 179 (#347) on Oct. 7, 2020
Race Protoss
Country Canada
Team Team Gosu
First match Sept. 30, 2019
Last match Aug. 12, 2023
Aligulac ID 19855

Most recent results

Date Rating Player A Score Player B Rating
08/12/2023 1012 CammyGreen CA P 0–2 P US Boomhauer 1023 LotV online
08/12/2023 1012 CammyGreen CA P 0–2 P CA Maplez 1609 LotV online
06/24/2023 1022 CammyGreen CA P 1–2 P US RayReign 1101 LotV online
06/24/2023 997 CammyGreen CA P 2–1 Z CA Flood 1079 LotV online
06/24/2023 1022 CammyGreen CA P 0–2 P CA Maplez 1587 LotV online
05/07/2023 1027 CammyGreen CA P 0–2 Z US ScrubbleS 1271 LotV online
05/07/2023 1027 CammyGreen CA P 0–2 Z VN MeomaikA 1899 LotV online
03/25/2023 1055 CammyGreen CA P 0–2 Z HK Koht 996 LotV online
02/12/2023 1124 CammyGreen CA P 1–2 Z US ScrubbleS 1177 LotV online
02/12/2023 963 CammyGreen CA P 2–1 T US Koda 801 LotV online

Team history

Team Joined Left Current
Team Gosu Oct. 10, 2022 yes