StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Due to Alka's lack of recent games, they have been marked as inactive and removed from the current rating list. Once they play a rated game they will be reinstated.

37.21% (32/86)
969 ± 160
48.00% (12/25)
1048 ± 226
29.03% (9/31)
936 ± 226
36.67% (11/30)
922 ± 226
969 ± 160
1048 ± 226
936 ± 226
922 ± 226
All 1025 ± 120 (#428) on Aug. 28, 2019
vP 1048 ± 174 (#422) on Sept. 21, 2022
vT 1034 ± 172 (#424) on Aug. 28, 2019
vZ 1016 ± 169 (#458) on Aug. 28, 2019
Race Protoss
Country China
Full name 李健龙
Romanized name Li Jianlong
Birthday Feb. 9, 2000
First match Aug. 25, 2019
Last match Sept. 9, 2022
Total earnings $14
Matches played 38 (0.00% offline)
Aligulac ID 19486

Most recent results

Date Rating Player A Score Player B Rating
09/09/2022 956 Alka CN P 0–2 Z TW YoGer 1398 LotV online
09/09/2022 1032 Alka CN P 2–0 P TW LittleWolf 1231 LotV online
04/16/2022 987 Alka CN P 0–2 Z CN Takanashi 1249 LotV online
04/16/2022 1013 Alka CN P 2–0 P CN Gloriam LotV online
04/09/2022 938 Alka CN P 1–2 T TW Eternity 1044 LotV online
04/09/2022 938 Alka CN P 2–0 T CN 橘子的玩具 LotV online
04/02/2022 947 Alka CN P 1–2 T CN Oriana 1040 LotV online
07/23/2021 890 Alka CN P 1–3 Z CN Silky 1836 LotV online
07/23/2021 951 Alka CN P 2–1 P CN TurN 864 LotV online
07/23/2021 890 Alka CN P 2–0 Z CN Hyperion 1222 LotV online

Team history

Team Joined Left Current
Team LaoPaoer Jan. 5, 2021 Sept. 15, 2021 no