StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Due to gamingdell's lack of recent games, they have been marked as inactive and removed from the current rating list. Once they play a rated game they will be reinstated.

31.91% (15/47)
945 ± 160
20.00% (2/10)
948 ± 226
20.00% (1/5)
937 ± 226
37.50% (12/32)
952 ± 226
945 ± 160
948 ± 226
937 ± 226
952 ± 226
All 989 ± 160 on Nov. 20, 2019
vP 989 ± 226 on Nov. 20, 2019
vT 989 ± 226 on Nov. 20, 2019
vZ 989 ± 226 on Nov. 20, 2019
Race Terran
Country Vietnam
AKA Jontabu
First match Aug. 11, 2019
Last match March 28, 2020
Aligulac ID 19331

Most recent results

Date Rating Player A Score Player B Rating
03/28/2020 945 gamingdell VN T 1–2 Z VN Uply 1528 LotV online
03/28/2020 945 gamingdell VN T 2–0 Z MY Neutrals 826 LotV online
03/26/2020 945 gamingdell VN T 0–2 Z CN BreakingGG 1620 LotV online
03/21/2020 923 gamingdell VN T 0–2 Z VN Uply 1457 LotV online
03/21/2020 923 gamingdell VN T 2–0 Z VN HuySolo 1089 LotV online
03/14/2020 923 gamingdell VN T 0–2 Z VN Uply 1457 LotV online
03/14/2020 923 gamingdell VN T 2–1 Z AU Vivid 1161 LotV online
03/14/2020 941 gamingdell VN T 0–2 P AU Pezz 1473 LotV online
03/02/2020 950 gamingdell VN T 0–1 P RU Nerazim 1516 LotV online
03/02/2020 935 gamingdell VN T 0–2 Z US starkiller 1717 LotV online