StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Due to Kez's lack of recent games, they have been marked as inactive and removed from the current rating list. Once they play a rated game they will be reinstated.

43.76% (256/585)
820 ± 160
44.30% (66/149)
755 ± 226
50.93% (55/108)
919 ± 226
40.19% (127/316)
785 ± 226
820 ± 160
755 ± 226
919 ± 226
785 ± 226
All 1140 ± 154 (#295) on Dec. 14, 2011
vP 1110 ± 159 (#355) on Feb. 22, 2012
vT 1150 ± 207 (#278) on Dec. 14, 2011
vZ 1206 ± 127 (#197) on March 7, 2012
Race Zerg
Country Australia
Full name Kerry Hopkins
AKA LinGcHOu, tekkez
First match Nov. 19, 2011
Last match Nov. 1, 2020
Total earnings $381
Matches played 299 (28.76% offline)
MC number 2
Aligulac ID 1884

Most recent results

Date Rating Player A Score Player B Rating
11/01/2020 760 Kez AU Z 0–2 Z VN MeomaikA 2014 LotV online
11/01/2020 760 Kez AU Z 2–0 Z PH Malupeyt 956 LotV online
04/08/2018 922 Kez AU Z 0–2 T AU FuelY 896 LotV online
04/08/2018 763 Kez AU Z 2–0 Z AU Light_VIP 719 LotV online
04/08/2018 763 Kez AU Z 0–2 Z AU Vivid 745 LotV online
07/21/2017 821 Kez AU Z 0–2 Z AU NXZ 1134 LotV offline
07/21/2017 977 Kez AU Z 0–2 T AU Azure 1386 LotV offline
01/14/2017 1017 Kez AU Z 0–2 T AU RunaMoK 1001 LotV offline
09/05/2015 857 Kez AU Z 1–2 P AU Namakaye 954 HotS offline
09/05/2015 864 Kez AU Z 2–1 Z Deakins HotS offline

Team history

Team Joined Left Current
Carnage eSports no
Silicon Sports April 26, 2013 April 30, 2013 no