StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Due to DeepThought's lack of recent games, they have been marked as inactive and removed from the current rating list. Once they play a rated game they will be reinstated.

31.17% (139/446)
739 ± 160
29.76% (50/168)
756 ± 226
28.93% (35/121)
699 ± 226
34.39% (54/157)
762 ± 226
739 ± 160
756 ± 226
699 ± 226
762 ± 226
All 971 ± 122 (#752) on April 24, 2019
vP 961 ± 172 (#803) on April 24, 2019
vT 982 ± 197 (#677) on May 8, 2019
vZ 1019 ± 115 (#525) on April 22, 2020
Race Protoss
Country Austria
First match April 13, 2019
Last match Oct. 29, 2022
Aligulac ID 18817

Most recent results

Date Rating Player A Score Player B Rating
10/29/2022 772 DeepThought AT P 0–2 T RU Silwercrow 947 LotV online
10/29/2022 772 DeepThought AT P 1–2 T PL PanFuncio 989 LotV online
10/29/2022 772 DeepThought AT P 0–2 T PL niceq 1080 LotV online
10/22/2022 780 DeepThought AT P 2–1 P FI VVCaptain 932 LotV online
10/22/2022 780 DeepThought AT P 1–2 P RU NaJi 937 LotV online
10/15/2022 778 DeepThought AT P 1–2 T DE Terxel 983 LotV online
08/14/2021 855 DeepThought AT P 0–3 Z SE Fjant 883 LotV online
07/14/2021 904 DeepThought AT P 0–2 Z CZ Raddow 913 LotV online
07/14/2021 837 DeepThought AT P 2–0 P UK Countess 719 LotV online
07/14/2021 837 DeepThought AT P 2–1 P UK Molten 921 LotV online