StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


ScrubbleS Summary Rating history Match history Earnings Adjustments

49.48% (189/382)
43.70% (59/135)
44.54% (53/119)
58.20% (71/122)

The above is code that can be used in posts on

Under these filters, ScrubbleS is 189–193 (49.48%) in games and 71–77 (47.97%) in matches.

Team Gosu Power Rankings #10 hide
01/16/2025 ScrubbleS US Z 1–2 P US Heaven LotV online
01/16/2025 ScrubbleS US Z 2–0 P US NAchobo LotV online
01/16/2025 ScrubbleS US Z 2–0 Z US JmaC LotV online
01/16/2025 ScrubbleS US Z 1–3 P US RockEr LotV online
Team Gosu Power Rankings #9 hide
09/14/2024 ScrubbleS US Z 1–2 P US Larry LotV online
09/14/2024 ScrubbleS US Z 2–0 Z CA Cereal LotV online
09/14/2024 ScrubbleS US Z 0–2 P CA Maplez LotV online
09/14/2024 ScrubbleS US Z 0–2 T US Koda LotV online
09/14/2024 ScrubbleS US Z 2–1 Z CA Sammyuel LotV online
Team Gosu Power Rankings #8 hide
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02/11/2024 ScrubbleS US Z 1–2 P US RockEr LotV online
02/11/2024 ScrubbleS US Z 2–0 P US Boomhauer LotV online
Team Gosu Bounty Brawl #3 hide
12/30/2023 ScrubbleS US Z 1–2 Z VN MeomaikA LotV online
12/30/2023 ScrubbleS US Z 2–0 T US Koda LotV online
ESL Pro Tour 2023/24 SC2 Masters 2023 Winter Regionals Americas hide
10/13/2023 ScrubbleS US Z 0–2 P US Rhizer LotV online
10/13/2023 ScrubbleS US Z 2–0 T US Koda LotV online
Team Gosu Power Rankings #7 hide
09/28/2023 ScrubbleS US Z 0–3 P US RayReign LotV online
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09/23/2023 ScrubbleS US Z 2–0 Z CA Flood LotV online
09/23/2023 ScrubbleS US Z 2–0 P US Boomhauer LotV online
09/23/2023 ScrubbleS US Z 2–0 T US Koda LotV online
09/23/2023 ScrubbleS US Z 1–2 P CA Maplez LotV online
09/23/2023 ScrubbleS US Z 1–2 P US RockEr LotV online
Team Gosu Power Rankings #6 hide
08/12/2023 ScrubbleS US Z 1–2 P US RayReign LotV online
08/12/2023 ScrubbleS US Z 2–3 Z VN MeomaikA LotV online
08/12/2023 ScrubbleS US Z 2–0 Z CA Flood LotV online
08/12/2023 ScrubbleS US Z 2–0 R US Prototype LotV online
Team Gosu Power Rankings #4 hide
05/07/2023 ScrubbleS US Z 1–2 P US NAchobo LotV online
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05/07/2023 ScrubbleS US Z 0–2 Z US Meowerdoom LotV online
ESL Pro Tour 2023/24 SC2 Masters 2023 Summer Regionals Americas hide
04/07/2023 ScrubbleS US Z 1–2 Z US Ukko LotV online
04/07/2023 ScrubbleS US Z 2–0 P US Cognite LotV online
Team Gosu Power Rankings #3 hide
03/25/2023 ScrubbleS US Z 0–2 Z VN MeomaikA LotV online
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Team Gosu Power Rankings #2 hide
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02/12/2023 ScrubbleS US Z 3–1 T US Prototype LotV online
02/12/2023 ScrubbleS US Z 2–1 P US Reaper LotV online
02/12/2023 ScrubbleS US Z 2–1 P CA CammyGreen LotV online
02/12/2023 ScrubbleS US Z 1–3 P CA Maplez LotV online
02/12/2023 ScrubbleS US Z 2–0 T US Goomba LotV online
Team Gosu Power Rankings #1 hide
12/05/2022 ScrubbleS US Z 0–2 Z US Reaper LotV online
12/05/2022 ScrubbleS US Z 2–0 Z US Meowerdoom LotV online
12/05/2022 ScrubbleS US Z 0–3 T US Kozan LotV online
12/05/2022 ScrubbleS US Z 2–0 Z CA Flood LotV online
ESL Pro Tour 2022/23 DH SC2 Masters 2022 Valencia Regionals North America hide
05/05/2022 ScrubbleS US Z 1–2 T CA Zero LotV online
The NA Apprentice 2022 hide
02/06/2022 ScrubbleS US Z 1–2 T CA Zero LotV online
02/06/2022 ScrubbleS US Z 0–2 T US Eurystheus LotV online
01/22/2022 ScrubbleS US Z 3–1 Z US Hunta LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #94 hide
11/01/2021 ScrubbleS US Z 0–2 P CA Maplez LotV online
ESL Pro Tour 2021/22 DH SC2 Masters 2021 Winter North America hide
09/23/2021 ScrubbleS US Z 0–2 P US RockEr LotV online
The NA Apprentice 2021 Season 2 Division 2 hide
03/20/2021 ScrubbleS US Z 1–3 Z CA Flood LotV online
03/13/2021 ScrubbleS US Z 0–2 P US Holden LotV online
03/13/2021 ScrubbleS US Z 2–0 Z US Melody LotV online
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The NA Apprentice 2021 Season 2 hide
02/24/2021 ScrubbleS US Z 1–3 T US Dolan LotV online
The NA Apprentice 2021 Season 1 Division 2 hide
01/24/2021 ScrubbleS US Z 2–0 Z US Melody LotV online
01/24/2021 ScrubbleS US Z 2–1 T US Kozan LotV online
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The NA Apprentice 2021 Season 1 Qualifier #2 hide
01/16/2021 ScrubbleS US Z 3–0 P US Polaris LotV online
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The NA Apprentice 2021 Season 1 Qualifier #1 hide
01/15/2021 ScrubbleS US Z 1–2 Z US Yoyo LotV online
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ESL Open Cup Americas #51 hide
01/07/2021 ScrubbleS US Z 0–2 Z KR Solar LotV online
01/07/2021 ScrubbleS US Z 2–0 R US Farseer LotV online
ESL Pro Tour 2020/21 Masters Last Chance hide
12/16/2020 ScrubbleS US Z 0–2 Z KR Armani LotV online
12/16/2020 ScrubbleS US Z 2–0 T CL Soza LotV online
ESL Pro Tour 2020/21 DH SC2 Masters 2020: Winter North America hide
10/15/2020 ScrubbleS US Z 2–0 P US LyriC LotV online
10/15/2020 ScrubbleS US Z 0–2 P US PiLiPiLi LotV online
eXoN Cup Open #8 hide
09/02/2020 ScrubbleS US Z 0–2 P MX Pacomike LotV online
ESL Pro Tour 2020/21 DH SC2 Masters 2020: Fall North America hide
08/22/2020 ScrubbleS US Z 1–2 P CA Maplez LotV online
The NA Apprentice 2020 Season 4 Main Event hide
08/02/2020 ScrubbleS US Z 1–2 Z US CalebAracous LotV online
08/02/2020 ScrubbleS US Z 0–2 P US Creature LotV online
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08/02/2020 ScrubbleS US Z 1–2 P US RaNgeD LotV online
The NA Apprentice Biweekly 2020 #14 hide
07/26/2020 ScrubbleS US Z 0–2 P US Rhizer LotV online
07/26/2020 ScrubbleS US Z 2–0 Z US vOluMe LotV online
The NA Apprentice 2020 Season 4 hide
07/25/2020 ScrubbleS US Z 2–3 T US Kozan LotV online
07/24/2020 ScrubbleS US Z 2–0 P US ReaLiTy LotV online
07/24/2020 ScrubbleS US Z 2–3 P US FequalsMA LotV online
07/24/2020 ScrubbleS US Z 0–3 Z US ETpwnHome LotV online
The NA Apprentice Biweekly 2020 #8 hide
04/24/2020 ScrubbleS US Z 0–2 T US Kozan LotV online
The NA Apprentice 2020 Season 1 Main Event hide
02/03/2020 ScrubbleS US Z 0–3 P CA Semper LotV online
01/25/2020 ScrubbleS US Z 2–1 P US PattyMac LotV online
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01/25/2020 ScrubbleS US Z 2–1 Z US fullheart LotV online
IEM Katowice 2020 hide
01/06/2020 ScrubbleS US Z 1–2 T BG Wanderer LotV online
The NA Apprentice 2020 Season 1 hide
01/02/2020 ScrubbleS US Z 3–0 P CA Semper LotV online
01/02/2020 ScrubbleS US Z 2–1 P US Nycro LotV online
Grandmaster Show Matches by Drikett #81 hide
10/26/2019 ScrubbleS US Z 2–3 T US Skyler LotV online
R&R Elite #1 hide
08/04/2019 ScrubbleS US Z 2–3 T MX Sinner LotV online
07/23/2019 ScrubbleS US Z 3–0 Z US Prototype LotV online
WCS 2019 Fall Qualifiers North America hide
07/23/2019 ScrubbleS US Z 0–2 T US PracticeX LotV online
07/23/2019 ScrubbleS US Z 1–2 P US PattyMac LotV online
R&R Elite #1 hide
07/22/2019 ScrubbleS US Z 3–1 T PL Tocon LotV online
07/17/2019 ScrubbleS US Z 3–2 T US Koda LotV online
06/27/2019 ScrubbleS US Z 1–3 T MX Sinner LotV online
06/26/2019 ScrubbleS US Z 3–0 Z US Vipor LotV online
Proxy Tempest NA Open #143 hide
06/13/2019 ScrubbleS US Z 0–2 P CN Asuna LotV online
06/13/2019 ScrubbleS US Z 2–0 Z AU ErebusBlack LotV online
WCS 2019 Summer Qualifiers North America hide
06/04/2019 ScrubbleS US Z 0–2 Z US Voltz LotV online
06/04/2019 ScrubbleS US Z 1–2 T US CrucialNug LotV online
06/03/2019 ScrubbleS US Z 0–2 T CA Jason LotV online
06/03/2019 ScrubbleS US Z 0–2 T US Epic LotV online
06/03/2019 ScrubbleS US Z 2–1 T US WildGame LotV online
06/03/2019 ScrubbleS US Z 2–1 P US AmpliFy LotV online
The NA Apprentice Season 4 Main Event hide
06/01/2019 ScrubbleS US Z 0–2 T US Vindicta LotV online
06/01/2019 ScrubbleS US Z 2–0 T CA MogarFNSMASH LotV online
06/01/2019 ScrubbleS US Z 0–2 P US Rhizer LotV online
The NA Apprentice Season 4 hide
05/25/2019 ScrubbleS US Z 2–0 P CA Jjang LotV online
05/25/2019 ScrubbleS US Z 0–2 T CA Buster LotV online
05/25/2019 ScrubbleS US Z 2–0 T US John LotV online
WCS 2019 Spring Qualifiers North America hide
04/14/2019 ScrubbleS US Z 1–2 T CA Sottorks LotV online
04/14/2019 ScrubbleS US Z 2–0 Z CA Flood LotV online
04/14/2019 ScrubbleS US Z 0–2 P CN Asuna LotV online
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04/13/2019 ScrubbleS US Z 2–0 Z US CalebAracous LotV online
04/13/2019 ScrubbleS US Z 2–0 P CA Stealthy LotV online
04/13/2019 ScrubbleS US Z 2–0 P US Nycro LotV online
04/13/2019 ScrubbleS US Z 0–2 P US Creature LotV online
04/13/2019 ScrubbleS US Z 1–2 Z US McMonroe LotV online
The Pizza Pie Season 1 Cup #5 hide
03/10/2019 ScrubbleS US Z 1–2 Z US Prototype LotV online
QLASH StarCraft2 Community Series #4 hide
03/06/2019 ScrubbleS US Z 0–2 P PL Rodzyn LotV online
03/06/2019 ScrubbleS US Z 2–0 T DE SharKRippeR LotV online
03/06/2019 ScrubbleS US Z 2–0 T Martiniks LotV online
QT Cup #1 hide
02/23/2019 ScrubbleS US Z 1–2 P US Rhizer LotV online
02/23/2019 ScrubbleS US Z 2–1 T SI Zoxx LotV online
02/23/2019 ScrubbleS US Z 2–0 Z lamort LotV online
The NA Apprentice Season 2 hide
02/03/2019 ScrubbleS US Z 0–2 T MX Sinner LotV online
02/03/2019 ScrubbleS US Z 2–0 Z CA Flood LotV online
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02/03/2019 ScrubbleS US Z 0–2 Z US WarreN LotV online
02/03/2019 ScrubbleS US Z 2–1 Z US Humor LotV online
The Pizza Pie Season 1 Cup #2 hide
01/27/2019 ScrubbleS US Z 1–2 T US PracticeX LotV online
01/27/2019 ScrubbleS US Z 2–1 Z US Prototype LotV online
01/27/2019 ScrubbleS US Z 2–1 Z US Ruiyichi LotV online
WCS 2019 Winter Americas Qualifiers hide
01/20/2019 ScrubbleS US Z 0–2 T MX Sinner LotV online
01/20/2019 ScrubbleS US Z 0–2 Z US WarreN LotV online
01/20/2019 ScrubbleS US Z 2–0 P US Hupsaiya LotV online
01/15/2019 ScrubbleS US Z 0–2 T US Dolan LotV online
01/15/2019 ScrubbleS US Z 2–1 Z US RNGeus LotV online
01/15/2019 ScrubbleS US Z 2–0 Z US Prevail LotV online
01/15/2019 ScrubbleS US Z 0–2 P AU Probe LotV online
01/15/2019 ScrubbleS US Z 2–0 Z CL Alejandro LotV online