StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Due to SippyCup's lack of recent games, they have been marked as inactive and removed from the current rating list. Once they play a rated game they will be reinstated.

31.88% (22/69)
730 ± 160
29.41% (5/17)
734 ± 226
45.83% (11/24)
801 ± 226
16.00% (4/25)
655 ± 226
730 ± 160
734 ± 226
801 ± 226
655 ± 226
All 976 ± 124 (#721) on Feb. 14, 2018
vP 976 ± 203 (#None) on Feb. 14, 2018
vT 980 ± 226 on Dec. 19, 2018
vZ 979 ± 226 on Dec. 19, 2018
Race Protoss
Country United States of America
Full name Jacob Smithers
First match Feb. 3, 2018
Last match Sept. 9, 2021
Aligulac ID 18219

Most recent results

Date Rating Player A Score Player B Rating
09/09/2021 817 SippyCup US P 0–3 T US binski 1271 LotV online
09/05/2021 647 SippyCup US P 2–1 Z US ETpwnHome 1197 LotV online
08/20/2021 757 SippyCup US P 1–3 P CA eXiled 779 LotV online
08/20/2021 757 SippyCup US P 2–0 P US ieLLiMo 952 LotV online
08/20/2021 726 SippyCup US P 0–3 Z US kazmir 726 LotV online
03/13/2021 890 SippyCup US P 1–2 T US DisReSpeCT 950 LotV online
03/13/2021 794 SippyCup US P 0–2 Z US Prototype 1340 LotV online
03/13/2021 794 SippyCup US P 0–2 Z US SlooTh LotV online
01/30/2021 810 SippyCup US P 0–2 Z CN Spy 939 LotV online
01/17/2021 837 SippyCup US P 1–3 Z US Melody 1048 LotV online

Team history

Team Joined Left Current
Alpha X Dec. 26, 2018 May 24, 2023 no