StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Due to renegadeX's lack of recent games, they have been marked as inactive and removed from the current rating list. Once they play a rated game they will be reinstated.

33.96% (18/53)
927 ± 160
38.89% (7/18)
905 ± 226
33.33% (5/15)
901 ± 226
30.00% (6/20)
975 ± 226
927 ± 160
905 ± 226
901 ± 226
975 ± 226
All 998 ± 160 (#509) on Dec. 19, 2018
vP 998 ± 226 (#486) on Dec. 19, 2018
vT 998 ± 226 (#524) on Dec. 19, 2018
vZ 998 ± 226 (#511) on Dec. 19, 2018
Race Zerg
Country United States of America
First match Nov. 2, 2018
Last match March 20, 2022
Aligulac ID 17831

Most recent results

Date Rating Player A Score Player B Rating
03/20/2022 914 renegadeX US Z 0–2 T PE tavo 1498 LotV online
04/11/2021 899 renegadeX US Z 1–2 T US Vindicta 1931 LotV online
06/27/2020 984 renegadeX US Z 0–2 Z EE kiyj 1753 LotV online
04/12/2020 869 renegadeX US Z 2–0 T US SmartAsianGuy 868 LotV online
04/11/2020 874 renegadeX US Z 2–0 P US davetesta 895 LotV online
04/05/2020 857 renegadeX US Z 1–2 P EG Magnath LotV online
04/05/2020 888 renegadeX US Z 2–0 Z US MacDwest 987 LotV online
04/05/2020 867 renegadeX US Z 0–2 T US ScubaSteve 1001 LotV online
05/24/2019 938 renegadeX US Z 0–2 Z US Megabearcub 1027 LotV online
05/24/2019 910 renegadeX US Z 0–2 P MA TheKyoJin 820 LotV online