StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Due to Forget's lack of recent games, they have been marked as inactive and removed from the current rating list. Once they play a rated game they will be reinstated.

25.93% (7/27)
858 ± 160
20.00% (2/10)
836 ± 226
50.00% (2/4)
894 ± 226
27.27% (3/11)
843 ± 226
858 ± 160
836 ± 226
894 ± 226
843 ± 226
All 901 ± 138 (#1293) on June 20, 2018
vP 903 ± 186 (#1278) on June 20, 2018
vT 936 ± 187 (#1175) on June 20, 2018
vZ 865 ± 205 (#1356) on June 20, 2018
Race Zerg
Country Peru
First match May 19, 2018
Last match July 7, 2018
Aligulac ID 16801

Most recent results

Date Rating Player A Score Player B Rating
07/07/2018 903 Forget PE Z 0–2 P KAKUM LotV online
07/07/2018 865 Forget PE Z 0–2 Z BR Tunico 747 LotV online
07/05/2018 903 Forget PE Z 0–2 P BR Zinho 1063 LotV online
07/05/2018 865 Forget PE Z 2–0 Z PE OdiN 986 LotV online
07/05/2018 936 Forget PE Z 0–2 T PE Jhonny 1210 LotV online
05/26/2018 886 Forget PE Z 0–2 P MX Pacomike 1429 LotV online
05/26/2018 886 Forget PE Z 2–0 T DO jkl 917 LotV online
05/26/2018 886 Forget PE Z 2–0 P PE AGTMR 810 LotV online
05/26/2018 886 Forget PE Z 0–2 P PE XionS 1063 LotV online
05/20/2018 Forget PE R 0–2 Z CO XergioAleX LotV online