StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


This period started on March 6, 2025 and will end on March 19, 2025. The numbers given below are projected adjustments and can change before then.

Old rtg. Opposition Expected score Actual score Performance New rtg. Adjustment
vP 1443 1445 2.0 2.0 3.0 1.0 2132 1477 +34
vT 1355 2871 0.3 3.7 2.0 2.0 2894 1402 +47
vZ 1480 1521 +40
All 1426 2158 2.4 5.6 5.0 3.0 N/A 1466 +40
Date Rating Player A Score Player B Rating
03/10/2025 1443 Cellsidus SE Z 0–1 P RU Shameless 2196 LotV online
03/10/2025 1355 Cellsidus SE Z 1–0 T RU Nicoract 2133 LotV online
03/10/2025 1443 Cellsidus SE Z 1–0 P DE Blutmilan 1258 LotV online
03/10/2025 1355 Cellsidus SE Z 1–2 T KR ByuN 3117 LotV online
03/10/2025 1443 Cellsidus SE Z 2–0 P UA gunner 1163 LotV online