StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Due to Eiki's lack of recent games, they have been marked as inactive and removed from the current rating list. Once they play a rated game they will be reinstated.

60.60% (403/665)
1930 ± 160
61.94% (96/155)
1918 ± 226
65.10% (97/149)
1913 ± 226
57.94% (208/359)
1960 ± 226
1930 ± 160
1918 ± 226
1913 ± 226
1960 ± 226
All 1930 ± 160 on June 15, 2022
vP 1918 ± 226 on June 15, 2022
vT 1913 ± 226 on June 15, 2022
vZ 1960 ± 226 on June 15, 2022
Race Protoss
Country Norway
Full name Eik Johannes Nysted Grødem
First match Nov. 25, 2011
Last match Dec. 13, 2020
Total earnings $9,910
Matches played 319 (9.40% offline)
MC number 2
Aligulac ID 1625
External LP

Most recent results

Date Rating Player A Score Player B Rating
12/13/2020 1905 Eiki NO P 3–1 T NO CreamCake 1455 LotV online
12/13/2020 1905 Eiki NO P 3–2 T NO CreamCake 1455 LotV online
12/13/2020 1927 Eiki NO P 2–0 Z NO Darroweve 986 LotV online
12/13/2020 1927 Eiki NO P 2–0 Z NO Myllarguten 965 LotV online
10/31/2020 1874 Eiki NO P 3–0 Z NO FifthRom 1025 LotV online
10/31/2020 1882 Eiki NO P 2–1 T NO CreamCake 1447 LotV online
10/31/2020 1874 Eiki NO P 2–0 Z NO FifthRom 1025 LotV online
10/31/2020 1874 Eiki NO P 2–0 Z NO Pote 730 LotV online
09/20/2020 1845 Eiki NO P 3–0 T NO CreamCake 1434 LotV online
09/20/2020 1845 Eiki NO P 2–0 T NO CreamCake 1434 LotV online

Team history

Team Joined Left Current
RedBloods May 28, 2015 Jan. 2, 2016 no
Karnage eSports Nov. 5, 2013 May 28, 2015 no
GamersLeague Nov. 5, 2013 no